Editing an Adaptive Access policy

You can add more rules, delete rules, change the default rule action, or change the sequence of rule evaluation.


  1. Log in to the IBM® Security Verify administration console as an Administrator.
  2. From the navigation menu, click Security > Access policies.
    A table lists the available policies by name and description. The icons indicate whether the policy can be edited Edit or deleted Delete. A lock icon Lock indicates that the policy is preset and can't be modified or deleted.
  3. Select the policy and click its edit icon Edit.
  4. Optional: Change the policy name or description.
  5. Optional: Update the adaptive access configuration for the policy.
    You can use the toggle button to enable or disable adaptive access.

    If Adaptive Access is enabled, you can change the user actions that are associated with the risk ratings of Low, Medium, High and Very High. You can also enable or disable the user notifications that are associated with the policy.

    Note: To disable Adaptive Access you must first delete any Adaptive Access rules associated to the policy.
  6. Optional: Add, modify, or delete a rule.
  7. Optional: From the Policy rules section, you can use the Up arrow and Down arrow icons to sequence the order that the rules are evaluated.
    The evaluation occurs in descending order. The default rule is always last in the sequence.
  8. Optional: From the Policy rules section, you can use the Delete icon Trash can icon to delete a rule.
  9. Click Save draft.