ZScaler Private Access supported attributes and error handling

Supported attributes

Table 1. Attributes
Attribute name Description Mapped Cloud Directory attribute (Default mapping) Type Mandatory Modifiable
userName User's username username String Yes No
name.familyName Users surname Family_name String No Yes
Email User's email address email String No Yes
name.formatted User's formatted name name String No Yes
name.givenName User's given name Given_name String No Yes
department User's department department String No Yes
costCenter Identifies the name of a cost center. None String No Yes
displayName User's display name None String No Yes
division User's division None String No Yes
nickName User's nick name None String No Yes
UserType Used to identify the relationship between the organization and the user. Typical values that are used might be 'Contractor', 'Employee', 'Intern', 'Temp', 'External', and 'Unknown', but any value can be used. None String No No
organization User's organization None String No Yes

Error handling

Table 2. Error codes
Sr. No. Status code Definition
1. 400 Invalid input error
2. 401 Authentication error
3. 404 Resource not found error
4. 409 Resource conflict error