Requesting Access for Others

The My organization navigation header enables the users with managerial role to request application access for other users.

About this task

This task provides instructional details to view and manage the users' accesses in the organization.

Note: This feature, CI-56222, can be enabled upon request. To request this feature, contact your IBM Sales representative or IBM contact and indicate your interest in enabling this capability. You can also create a support ticket with the feature number if you have the permission. Note that IBM Security Verify trial subscriptions cannot create support tickets.


  1. Log in Verify.
  2. The Verify user launchpad opens.
  3. Click My organization.
    • Enter the appropriate keyword in the Search users field to filter the existing user records.
    • Click Tile or Table to switch between the user records' view.
    • Click the Sort by drop-down menu to arrange the records based on the appropriate selection.
  4. Check the Select checkbox from the preferred user record and click Request access.
  5. In the opened Request access setup page, select the Application and its Accesses to be provided to the user. Both the sections provide Search, Table and Tile view, and pagination (for table view) options.
  6. Enter the Justification for the request in the provided textbox under Additional details step.
  7. The right panel displays the Preview of selections. Review the details and click Submit.
  8. Upon successful creation of the request access, the user is redirected to the My organization page.

What to do next

The following steps are involved if the request must be approved by the Application owner and the User Manager:
  1. After the request is created, the User manager can view the record from the user Launchpad > My requests. The initial Status of the request remains Pending approval.
  2. The Application owner can login in their Verify tenant and take an appropriate action on the raised request from the user Launchpad > Task manager.
  3. After the Application owner approves the access request, it is auto-approved by the User manager . The Status of the access request changes to Approved in My requests page.
  4. Also, in the My organization page, click the View Access icon from the user record.
  5. The View access page opens and displays the current access right details provided to the user, along with search, sort, and pagination (for table view) options.
    • Clicking the record from the Tile or Table view opens the View details panel. The panel displays the Access summary, defining the Permission or role, Description, Access type, Status, and Group.
Note: If only the User manager must approve the access requests, then they are auto-approved and can be filtered using the Approved Status in the My requests page. The View Access page under My organization also displays the application access that is provided to the user.