Key concepts
There is at least one workspace on the system at all times. The default workspace automatically contains all of the cases or incidents on the system.
Note the following:
- A global permission for workspaces is available. Users with this global permission can create and manage workspaces. Administrators with the Roles permission can assign this permission to other roles from Administrator Settings > Roles > Global Roles.
- When creating a new incident, users with permissions to create incidents can select the workspace to which they want to assign the incident. For this to work, the New Incident wizard must include the Workspace field. Playbook designers can add the Workspace field to layouts, as required. This is described in the Playbook Designer Guide.
- Users with the required permissions can reassign incidents from one or more workspaces to another.
- Users can filter incidents by workspace from the Incidents screen.
- Organization level permissions through global roles are aggregated to permissions that are granted through workspace roles. For example, if a user has View Incidents permissions granted through a workspace role, but has Create Incident permissions granted through a global role, the user can create incidents in any workspace on the system.
- Data presented in the widgets on the Analytics Dashboard is limited to only the workspaces to which the user has access.