Showing incident relationships
Incidents are related when they contain artifacts that have the same value. The artifacts do not need to be the same artifact type. Users can see this relationship in the individual incident Artifacts tab and summary section.
Some artifact types may be included in a large number of incidents, but showing those relationships does not provide useful information to users. For example, you may not want artifacts of type "Email Subject" to relate incidents together because it is irrelevant to your process and not useful in resolving the incident.
The Artifacts tab allows you to reduce this type of non-useful information. Click No for those artifact types that can appear in multiple incidents but the relationship information is not useful.
The Artifacts tab sets the default behavior. There might be exceptions where a user needs to see which incidents contain a specific artifact type. There also may be exceptions where the user wants to see fewer relationships to reduce “clutter.” Therefore, an incident owner can change the setting for an artifact value at the incident level.