Creating a bar chart

Bar charts are useful for comparing similar attributes between objects over time, such as the number of events from different log sources over a selected time period.

Before you begin

Create a widget based on one of the following data sources and ensure that you have query results:


  1. In the Views section of the widget, give the chart a name and select whether to show the title and the update status.
  2. Select Bar Chart.
  3. On the General tab, set the following properties:
    1. Select a field for the category.
    2. Set a value for the category.
    3. Select the display colors. If you have only one series, choose whether to color each bar differently (Default) or all as one color (Monochrome). If you have more than one series, choose a color for each series.
    4. For offense data sources only, click More options, select the axis label, and choose how to aggregate the values. The following table describes the available aggregation options:
      Option Description
      No aggregation For each unique category (x-axis), returns the sum of each value of the selected field.
      First For each unique category (x-axis), returns the first value of the selected field.
      Average For each unique category (x-axis), returns the average of the selected field.
      Sum For each unique category (x-axis), returns the sum of each value of the selected field.
      Count For each unique category (x-axis), returns a row count of the selected field.
      Maximum For each unique category (x-axis), returns the largest numeric value of the selected field.
      Minimum For each unique category (x-axis), returns the smallest numeric value of the selected field.
    5. Optional: If you have a lot of information to convey, set Stack Series to On. Stacked charts are useful for comparing proportional contributions within a category. They plot the relative value that each data series contributes to the total.
    6. Select the Orientation for the bars to display: vertical or horizontal. The default orientation is Vertical. Use the Horizontal orientation when you have long labels for the categories that might be cut off if you display as a vertical bar chart or if you don't have much data to display.
    7. Set Show Legend to Yes and set the orientation.
  4. On the Axes tab, set the Category Axis Type based on the data that is retrieved from the query. The following table describes the available axis types:
    Type Description
    None The chart attempts to automatically determine the type based on the data set.
    Linear Numeric axis mode. Displays a range of numbers. Each bar represents a unique numerical value for each selected field, and bars are spaced in a linear manner according to their values.
    Category Non-numeric axis mode. Each bar represents a unique category. Bars are spaced evenly in the chart display.
    Log Numeric axis mode. Bars display as unique numerical values, and are spaced in a logarithmic manner according to their values.
  5. Set the Value Axis Type based on the data that is retrieved from the query. The following table describes the available axis types:
    Type Description
    None Displays a range of numbers, depending on the selected fields.
    Linear Displays a range of numbers.
    Log Displays a large range of values in a log-10 scale.
  6. Set the Value Axis Range to On to make it easier to compare data in different charts.
  7. Optional: On the Drilldown tab, choose a drill down action for when a bar or segment is clicked in the bar chart. You can open a dashboard, a URL, or a panel.
    1. If you chose to open a dashboard, select the dashboard to open, optionally select dashboard parameter values, and choose whether to open it in the current window or in a new window.

      If you set parameters, they are passed to the target dashboard based on the bar or segment that was clicked in the bar chart. For example, if you set an ID parameter, the bar or segment ID is passed as a parameter to the target dashboard. If you set a dashboard parameter value to Default, no parameter value is passed to the target dashboard; the existing session or default parameter value is used or the parameter field is blank in the target dashboard Parameters card.

      Tip: If you drill down to a different dashboard in the same window, you can use the breadcrumb trail to return to previous dashboards in the drill path.
    2. If you chose to open a URL, specify an absolute path to open an external URL (for example, Choose whether to open the URL in the current window or in a new window. If you open an external URL in the current window, it replaces the console.

      You can define any number of parameters anywhere in the URL. Enclose parameters in braces ({}), then select a value for each parameter. For example,{ip_address}.

    3. If you chose to open a panel, select the drill down column and enrichment type.
      For example, if the selected drill down column represents a source IP address, then select Enriched IPv4 as the enrichment type, so the panel opens with the details and enrichment for this IP address.
  8. Preview how the chart looks and then click Save.