A condition triggers a playbook or rule.
A condition is a statement that includes a field, an equation, and a value. When the condition statement evaluates to true, it triggers its playbook or rule.
Both playbooks and rules require at least one condition to be triggered. Rules have a default condition. Playbooks do not.
The condition is based on the object type, which determines the fields that are available to be used as conditions. With some object types, you can select fields from their parent object; for example, you can select incident fields for a Task or Note object type.
You can define one or more conditions. If you define multiple conditions, you can specify which
condition or conditions need to be true to trigger the playbook or rule. The following table
describes some of the available operators available when you create a conditional statement. Not all
operators are available for each object type and field.
Operator | Description |
is created | Condition is True when the object is created. If you use rules, do not use this operator to add tasks in the Activities section. |
is added [a] | Condition is True when the value [a] is added. |
is equal to [a, b, c] | Condition is True when the values [a, b, c] are the only ones present. It must be an exact match. |
is not equal to | Condition is True when the object value is not the same as the one listed in the condition. |
contains [a, b, c] | Condition is True when at least the values [a, b, c] are present. There can be more, but no less. |
has one of [a, b, c] | Condition is True when at least one of the values [a, b, c] is present. |
has a value | Condition is True when the object has a value. |
does not have a value | Condition is True when the object does not have a value. |
has one of | Condition is True when the object has a specific value. |
does not have one of | Condition is True when the object has a value other than the listed values. |
is changed | Condition is True when the object's value changes. This operator is available only to Automatic Rules. |
is changed to [a, b, c] | Condition is True when the object's value is changed to [a, b, c]. This operator is not available to Menu Item Rules. |
is not changed to [a, b, c] | Condition is True when the object's value is changed to value other than the selected values. This operator is not available to Menu Item Rules. |
is included within [a, b, c] | Condition is True when at least one of the Incident Type field values [a, b, c] or any of their child incident types is a value. This operator is available only to the Incident Type field. |
Click the plus icon (+) to add conditions. If multiple conditions exist, determine how the
conditions are to be satisfied as follows:
- Select All to trigger the playbook or rule only when all individual conditions evaluate to true (they are AND’ed together).
- Select Any to trigger the playbook or rule when any one of the conditions is true (results are OR’ed).
- Select Advanced to define your own logical statement using the AND, OR, and NOT operators. You can also use their respective symbols, &&, || and !. For example, 1 OR (2 AND 3) means that condition 1 set to True triggers the playbook or rule. Conditions 2 and 3 both set to True triggers the playbook or rule. To avoid unexpected results, make sure to use parentheses for complex expressions.