Observing cases and generating reports

If your role is to observe and report, you might want to see a list of cases, view data for specific cases, and generate reports. You also want to view the Analytics Dashboard.

To view all cases, go to the list of cases by selecting Case Management > Cases from My applications in the menu. Click on a case name to view the details of that case. Each case organizes data by various tabs, such as Tasks, Details, Notes, and Artifacts. The Tasks page shows the current phase of the case, which phases and tasks have been completed and which have still need to be done. Your playbook designer defines and customizes these tabs. Some tabs might be conditional and appear only when one or more given conditions occur.

You can generate a report on a single incident or multiple incidents, using a standard template or your own template. The template determines which information to include. You can save the report as an Excel spreadsheet or in a printable format, such as PDF.

The Analytics Dashboard displays charts and graphs for viewing statistical information. There are a number of pre-defined widgets for various types of information, such as open tasks by owner, open cases by severity, and cases over time by type. You can also create your own widgets. You access this dashboard from the platform menu by selecting Case Management > Analytics.