Adding a QRadar username and password to access QRadar apps

You can access supported versions of IBM® QRadar on prem apps from the platform. Your QRadar Proxy administrator can create a configuration for you to access the QRadar Proxy app. Your QRadar Proxy administrator specifies which QRadar® deployment you can connect to before you can access the QRadar Proxy app.

Before you begin

After your QRadar Proxy administrator configures QRadar Proxy for your platform account, you must set a username and password pair so that you can connect to QRadar apps.

About this task

If QRadar on prem uses SAML for authentication, you don't need to enter a username and password because you log in to QRadar through your SAML identity provider to access the supported apps.


  1. Go to Menu > Connections > QRadar Proxy, and select the IBM QRadar deployment option.
  2. Enter your QRadar username and password.
    Tip: If you can't find your username and password, contact your QRadar administrator for details. If you make too many login attempts with incorrect credentials, your account is locked out according to QRadar settings. You must try to log in again later.
  3. If the login message on the QRadar Console requires you to provide consent before you can log in, select the terms and conditions checkbox so that you can log in to QRadar from the platform.
  4. Click Save and confirm your connection status in the navigation pane.


Verify that the connection is successful by checking the Status for QRadar apps in the navigation pane.