Playbook instances

You can view instances of running playbooks over time on the Playbook Instances tab.

From the Playbooks dashboard, go to the Playbook Instances tab. The Playbook Instances tab shows all instances of playbooks that run over time. You can see the playbook name, status, elapsed time, start time, activation type, activated by and object type.

shows the playbook instances tab

Use the filters to filter by Status, Activation type, or Object type. For example, you can filter by Status Running to instances of playbooks that are currently running, or Status Completed to see instances of playbooks that completed.

You can take the following actions:
  • Click any playbook name to see a more detailed view of the instance progress.
  • Click the Activated by link to go to the case from which the playbook is running or was run.
  • Click the shows thge view playbook instances button to view the playbook activities with a list of activities and details.
  • Click the the cancel button button to open the cancel playbook instance to see the options to cancel the target playbook instances.