Exporting and importing playbooks

You can export and import a single playbook.

Exporting a playbook

You can export a single playbook for use in other systems.

The exported playbook includes its apps, functions, scripts, sub-playbooks, and other customizations.
  1. Click Playbooks in the menu bar. The initial page provides a list of all the playbooks and their status.
  2. Choose the playbook to export.
  3. Click the export icon for that playbook.

    If the playbook uses any apps and customizations, they are listed in the Application Customization page. If not, the Playbook details page displays.

  4. If the Application Customization page is shown, review the customizations. Unless there is a problem, click Next.
  5. Review the information in the Playbook details page. If everything is correct, click Next.
  6. Provide a name for the export file. By default, the file name is the same as the playbook name.
  7. Click Export Playbook then save the file to your chosen location.

Importing a playbook

You can import an exported playbook, which is a resz file. You need to know the name and location of the file.

If an imported playbook has the same version of an app that is installed on the destination, the app and its customizations are not imported.

If an imported playbook has a later version of an app that is installed on the destination, the import upgrades the app. However, the app must be redeployed after the import, as described in Upgrading an app.

  1. In the main playbooks page, click Import playbook.
  2. Upload or drag the playbook export file to import.
  3. Click Import.
  4. Review the playbook details and information messages.

    Any customizations from the imported playbook that are the same as the ones that are installed on the destination are not imported.

    Any updated customizations are noted by informational messages that describe which objects reference the updated customizations.

  5. If there are no conflicts, click Import to import the playbook.