Enabling a playbook
You can enable a draft playbook or a disabled playbook.
When you create a playbook, it has an initial status of Draft. As a draft, you can edit any property, including the object type. When you enable a draft playbook, you cannot return to the Draft status and you can no longer change the object type. When you enable a draft playbook, you cannot return to the Draft status and you can no longer change the object type or activation type.
To test your playbook before you enable it, you can create simulations to trigger the playbook.
You can enable a playbook from the Playbooks main page or from the individual playbook page. The following procedure describes how to enable a playbook from its individual page.
- When the playbook is ready to be active, click Save or Save -Edit in the toolbar.
- If there are any red dots that indicate errors, click the View errors icon in the toolbar and resolve the errors. You cannot enable a playbook with errors.
- If the playbook has a status of Draft, click Enable playbook in the toolbar. In the Enable playbook modal, click Enable if the playbook is ready to be activated.
- If the playbook was previously disabled, set the toggle in the toolbar to Playbook enabled.
The playbook is enabled and available to run when the activation condition is met.
To prevent the playbook from running, set the toggle in the toolbar to Playbook disabled.
To edit a playbook at any time, click the name of the playbook in the Playbook page.