Duplicating sub-playbooks

You can duplicate a sub-playbook from either the sub-playbook window or the canvas view. Duplicated sub-playbooks include all nodes, including the input fields, of the original playbook.

Figure 1. Sub-playbook window that shows the Duplicate icon
  1. From the platform menu, click Case Management > Playbooks.
  2. Click a playbook to open it on the canvas.
  3. Click the sub-playbooks () icon.
  4. Find the sub-playbook that you want to duplicate and click the name to open the sub-playbook window.
  5. You can duplicate the sub-playbook from either the sub-playbook window or the canvas.
    • To duplicate from the sub-playbook window, click the Duplicate to library () icon.
    • To duplicate from the canvas, click the edit () icon to open the canvas. Then, click the overflow menu () and click Duplicate.
  6. In the Name field, type a unique name.
  7. In the Activation type field, choose whether the playbook is to be activated manually or triggered automatically.
  8. Click Duplicate.
The sub-playbook is duplicated and all nodes, including the input fields, are copied to the new sub-playbook.