Installing and registering Data Collector manually
Use this installation and registration procedure for IBM Data Collector if you do not want to create an API Key to register your Data Collector instance.
Before you begin
Only Data Collector Administrators can create, register, edit, and delete a Data Collector instance. For more information, see User access, roles, and permissions.
before you can run the commands in these procedures.Installing Data Collector
Install IBM Data Collector on a computer or virtual machine (VM) that meets all the system requirements. You can install only one instance of Data Collector per computer or VM.
About this task
Registering Data Collector on the platform
After you install Data Collector, you must register your Data Collector with the platform to ensure that you receive events.
Successfully validated the connection bundle file
. After the script restarts the
Collector, the Data
Collector can start
receiving event data.- To validate that your Data
Collector is connected to
the platform, run the following command on your Data
Collector instance:
/opt/ibm/si/services/dlc/current/script/ -p 7787 -b "com.q1labs.sem:application=dlc.dlc,type=destinations,name=CP4SForwardDestination"
The following output appears after you run the command:
com.q1labs.sem:application=dlc.dlc,type=destinations,name=CP4SForwardDestination -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KafkaTopic: dlc-event-topic-pipeline-e0881bd0 KafkaCompressionType: gzip Connected: true EPS: 0 TotalWrittenBytes: 0 DiscardEventCount: 0 EventsSeen: 99 EPSThreshold: 20000 Compressed: true RawEventCount: 0
If the Connected value is true, then you have successfully connected your Data Collector.
- If you have connectivity issues, you can install debugging tools by running the following
yum makecache && yum update && yum install -y wget net-tools bind-utils nmap tcpdump lsof