There are several applications and connectors that an administrator must set up to ingest
the data sources that you need for successful security threat investigations. Complete the
application and connector setup before you begin ingesting data sources.
- Optional: If you have at least one data source for
federated search or an asset import that is inaccessible from the internet, install and configure an
Edge Gateway. Otherwise, go to step
You install an
Edge Gateway
on a VM or bare metal machine to enable
QRadar platform
to connect with those data sources. See
Setting up Edge Gateway.
- Set up Threat Intelligence Insights to prioritize your threat feed and configure external
data sources. See Setting up Threat Intelligence Insights.
- On a VM or bare metal machine, install and register a Data Collector to send alerts from a private
network or within your cloud environment to QRadar platform. See Setting up
Data Collector.
- Optional: If you have QRadar® in your environment, complete the following tasks. Otherwise, go to step 5.
- On a QRadar console, install and
configure the QRadar Offenses
Forwarder app
so that QRadar can send offense alerts to
QRadar platform. See QRadar Offenses Forwarder app.
- Optional: If you have QRadar on Cloud in your environment, configure QRadar Proxy to connect to it so that you can view your
QRadar detection rules in IBM® Detection and Response Center (Beta). QRadar rules are applied to events, flows, or offenses to
search for or detect anomalies in QRadar. See
Setting up QRadar Proxy.
- Enable federated search, case investigation, and analytics across your security products
by configuring the Universal Data Insights service. See Universal Data Insights connectors.
- Configure your data sources by completing the following tasks.
Tip: The platform can ingest data sources
from various third-party devices. To see which sources you can use to fully augment your automated
or analyst investigations, see
Supported third-party data sources.
- To enable federated search and analytics across your security products, configure the
Universal Data Insights service. See Universal Data Insights connectors.
- To import asset and risk data, configure the Connected Assets and Risk service. See
Connected Assets and Risk connectors.
- To ingest alerts from third-party devices, complete configuration tasks on the
third-party device and add a data source in QRadar platform. See Ingesting logs and alerts.
- Configure Threat Investigator to run automatic investigations and exclude any data
sources that you don't want queried for automatic investigations. See Configuring Threat Investigator.