Migrate settings

The Migrate Settings feature enables you to import and export settings from one account to another. It also has a history of all imports and exports. This feature is useful for backup and copying settings from one account to another. For example, you can export your settings from a test environment when it passes the acceptance criteria then import them into the production environment.

To export settings, select the Export tab and click Export. Incident types, artifact types, fields, data table definitions, and roles are always included in the exported file. Optionally, you can choose to export custom phases and tasks, tab layouts, rules, scripts, playbooks, groups, and other administrator settings. Some settings, such as incident views, analytic dashboards, and report templates, are not exported.

When you click the Export button, the settings are stored in JSON format to a resz file, which is a res file within a zip file.

Use the Export History to view all the exported files with a link to the file itself. The page lists the date and time of the export, user who performed the export, and a link to the file. The page also lists if rules, layouts, phases and tasks are included in the file.

Shared layouts are created by users and shared with the account. They include layouts such as dashboards, report templates, and incident views, including preset filters and tab layouts. You can have an unlimited number of shared layouts. If you include shared layouts in your export, you must also include the common layouts. By including the shared layouts in your export, you can easily import the dashboards and preset filters.

You can import a previously exported file by selecting Import, clicking Import Settings +, and browsing to the file’s location. Before importing, make sure that there are no other users currently logged in. In addition, make sure that all users referenced in any rule’s conditions exist in the recipient account. If any do not exist, create them before importing.

Note: Groups are supported for import and export but users in the group are not supported.

The application completes the following during an import:

  • Updates all incident fields, types and data table definitions.
  • Because task names are not unique even within the same incident type, the application attempts to match tasks via an internal unique id, and then attempts to match upon name and type. If there is one match only, the system overwrites the task; if there is more than one match, the system creates a new task and displays a warning.
  • Checks the message destination and type (queue or topic). The system does not overwrite the message destination unless the name and type matches.
  • Ignores the user list when importing message destinations. If importing a new message destination, the user list is empty. If importing an updated message destination, the system ignores the updated user list and keeps the original user list intact.
  • Checks for rules that have a condition that refers to incident members; for example, a rule that is executed only when the incident member list contains a specific user. In this case, the platform retains the user if the imported condition contains an exact match of the user. If it is not an exact match, the platform displays a message after the import indicating that the user was removed from the condition.

​Use the Import History to check the history after each import. Click View to list the changes between the existing settings and the imported settings, such as incident fields, layouts and custom rules. The import does not delete items; therefore, the View page provides a list of items that are no longer used, which you can then remove manually.