Incident tabs

Each incident page has a number of tabs. You can modify the standard tabs, add your own custom tabs, and hide default tabs. You can also set conditions that determine when to display a tab.

In addition, each incident page has a navigation pane on the left side of the page that provides additional information, which you can customize.

To view the list of tabs available for each incident page, click Incident Tabs then Manage Tabs. For example:
The surrounding text describes this graphic, which is a snap shot of the user interface.
The following describes each component listed under Incident Tabs:
  • Manage Tabs

    This area allows you to determine which tabs are available to users when viewing incidents. You can add tabs as well as reorder, rename, make conditional, and hide tabs.

    The icon in each tab represents its visibility.

    To set a condition on a tab, click the tab and select the Conditional button then select Add Condition. You can then select a field and determine the condition that allows the tab to be shown. You can have multiple conditions, where all conditions must be satisfied before the tab is shown.

    To add a custom tab, click Add Tab in the navigation pane on the left or the plus icon at the right then enter a name and select its visibility. You can then add fields, views, data tables, and/or blocks to the incident. These items are described later in this section.

    To delete a custom tab, click the delete icon, which is next to the visibility icon. In the previous example, Affect is a custom tab. You can delete custom tabs only. You can rename or hide the default tabs, but not delete them.

    To reorder the tabs, click and drag the tab or use the left and right arrows at the top of each tab.

    Note: Data in tabs that are configured as not visible are not included in reports; however, data in tabs that may be hidden by a condition are always included in reports.
    Tip: You can create a tab to gather data for reports but never have it visible to users. Create a condition that can never occur then make the tab visible only when that condition is true.
  • Summary Section

    Each incident page has a summary section on the left side that contains useful information. This section displays on the incident page regardless of the tab selected.

    You can customize the summary section by dragging the components from the column on the right into the areas on the left. To display groups of fields only under certain conditions, add a Section (under Blocks) to the layout and then drag the corresponding fields into the section. You can then configure the conditions necessary for that section to be displayed by clicking the Wrench icon in the top right corner of the section.

    When adding multiple conditions, the section displays only when all of the individual conditions are met (conditions are AND’ed together). Within a single condition involving a multi-select field, the condition is met if any of the values selected in the condition are also selected in a specific incident (values are OR’ed).

    To modify the order in which fields appear, drag and drop the various components to the desired order. You can modify or remove certain fields by using the “pencil” icon or the small “x” found near the field name. When finished, click Save.

    You can add new fields, views, data tables, and blocks to the incident. These items are described later in this section.

    To remove customization and return to the default view, click Restore to Default at the bottom of the page.

  • Various tabs

    Click a tab name in the left navigation pane to display its content and format.

    You can customize the tab by dragging the components from the column on the right into the areas on the left. To display groups of fields only under certain conditions, add a Section (under Blocks) to the layout and then drag the corresponding fields into the section. You can then configure the conditions necessary for that section to display by clicking the wrench in the top right corner of the section.

    When adding multiple conditions, the section displays only when all of the individual conditions are met (conditions are AND’ed together). Within a single condition involving a multi-select field, the condition is met if any of the values selected in the condition are also selected in a specific incident (values are OR’ed).

    To modify the order in which fields appear, drag and drop the various components to the desired order. You can modify or remove certain fields by using the “pencil” icon or the small “x” found near the field name. When finished, click Save.

    You can add new fields, views, data tables, and blocks to the incident. These items are described later in this section.

    To remove customization and return to the default view, click Restore to Default at the bottom of the page.