Data tables

You can organize information in a tabular format, using rows and columns. Incident response users can then add information to this table.

To create a data table, click Add Table in the Data Tables section. When you choose to add a table, a wizard walks you through the following process:

  • Table Definition. You add a label, which is a descriptive name for the table. The API Access Name is, by default, the same as the label with underscores instead of spaces.
  • Define Layout. Determine the number of columns you need and enter a title for each column. If you add a column but do not enter a title, the column is not created. You can reorder the columns by dragging them as needed.
  • Configure Table Fields. There is a page for each column where you define the field for that column. Choosing Always as a Requirement requires the user to fill in this column whenever the user adds a row.
  • Preview & Confirm. Review the table. Optionally, you can resize the columns. The Reset Column Widths button resizes the columns so that they are approximately equal width. Use the Back button to make any changes or Save to save the table.

As an example, you can create a data table to list all users impacted by the incident. In this example, all the columns are of type text.

If integrated with a security package, the Orchestration & Automation application might allow the app to create data tables and populate them with data from the program. You can determine where to place these data tables in your layout.