
Check the system and network prerequisites for your environment before installing the Edge Gateway software.

The prerequisites apply to both the standalone and virtual application formats of the Edge Gateway software (.run file or .ova respectively) except where noted:
  • The prerequisites for the system hosting the Edge Gateway are as follows:
    • Operating system: Red Hat Enterprise Linux v8.4 to 8.10. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 is not supported.
      Note: CentOS is not supported.
    • If you are installing the Edge Gateway virtual appliance, it runs on vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi) 6.7 U2 or later.
    • Minimum 5 GB free disk space.
    • Minimum 2 GB RAM.
    • Minimum 2 CPUs.
    • Dedicated operating system account for data sources.
    • If you are installing the standalone format, a user account on the system with sudo privileges is required.
    • Access to the the platform.
    • Access to any third-party applications required by your data sources.
    • If you are installing the Edge Gateway virtual application, also make sure TCP port number 22 is accessible.
  • Make sure the Edge Gateway is not on a network using IP addresses 10.42.x.x or 10.43.x.x. Kubernetes require those IP ranges for its cluster and service respectively. Contact IBM Security Support for assistance if you require the Edge Gateway to be on such a network.
  • If you are installing the standalone format, make sure that the partitions that host the following directories have the minimum required free disk space. IBM Security recommends using the Logical Volume Manager (LVM) to manage your partitions:
    • 400 MB for /boot
    • 20 GB for /
    • 70 GB for /var/lib
    • 10 GB for /var/log
  • If you are installing the standalone format using the .run file, the following packages must be installed. See Installing the standalone software for the commands to install them.
    • createrepo package
    • selinux package
Disable the nm-cloud-setup service on your system, if it is enabled:
  1. First, check if the nm-cloud-setup service is enabled on your system:
    # systemctl status nm-cloud-setup
    If it is not enabled, output similar to the following is returned, and no further action is required:
    [root@ip ~]# systemctl status nm-cloud-setup
    > Unit nm-cloud_setup.service could not be found
    If it is enabled, you see output similar to the following:
    [root@ip ~]# systemctl status nm-cloud-setup
    ● nm-cloud-setup.service - Automatically configure NetworkManager in cloud
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nm-cloud-setup.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/nm-cloud-setup.service.d
       Active: inactive (dead)
         Docs: man:nm-cloud-setup(8)
  2. If it is enabled, run the following command to disable it:
    systemctl disable nm-cloud-setup.service nm-cloud-setup.timer
    This command returns output similar to the following:
    [root@ip-172-31-2-112 ~]# systemctl status nm-cloud-setup
    ● nm-cloud-setup.service - Automatically configure NetworkManager in cloud
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nm-cloud-setup.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
      Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/nm-cloud-setup.service.d
       Active: inactive (dead)
         Docs: man:nm-cloud-setup(8)

The minimum supported TLS version for the Kubernetes API server is TLS V1.2.

The resources required by the Edge Gateway server depend on the requirements of your data sources. Therefore, you might need to increase those resources.