Edge Gateway disaster recovery

Edge Gateway disaster recovery involves using a backup file to re-establish your Edge Gateway if a disaster occurs on the system.

Before you begin

This feature is supported on Edge Gateway V1.15.0 and later versions.

To restore your Edge Gateway, you must complete a regular backup for the Edge Gateway.

To back up your Edge Gateway:
  1. Create a backup file for your Edge Gateways by entering the following command as the root user:
    sudo manageAppHost export -o <export_file>
  2. Enter 0 to backup all of your Edge Gateways. You can also input a list of Edge Gateways and back up in separate files.

The exported file stores the information for your Edge Gateways in .JSON format. Keep this file securely to use when recovering your Edge Gateway.

It is a recommended good practice to run the backup procedure whenever you are updating the Edge Gateway configuration, for example, if you are creating, deleting, or updating an Edge Gateway.

About this task

Complete the following steps to recover your Edge Gateway using the .JSON backup file.


  1. Prepare a new system by following the installation instructions, as described in Installing Edge Gateway.

    The newly installed version of the Edge Gateway software must not be older than the old system.

  2. Copy the backup .JSON file for your Edge Gateway to the new system.
  3. Shut down the old system.
  4. On the new system, import the Edge Gateway using the following command:
    sudo manageAppHost import -i <export.json>
  5. Check the imported Edge Gateway using the following command:
    sudo manageAppHost showconfig
  6. Check the status on the Edge Gateway management user interface.