Creating an Edge Gateway
You can create one or more Edge Gateways by running the Edge Gateway installer and using the pairing information that you generated from the General settings > Connections> Edge gateways page in the platform.
You must have the pairing information as described in Creating pairing code, either in a file or in your clipboard.
This procedure requires the use of sudo
and you must log in as the
sudo manageAppHost install <options>
option:-p <full path to file>
option:-c <full path to PEM certificate>
When prompted, you must trust the certificate.
--http-proxy-url <http://URL:port# of proxy> --http-proxy-user <user>
> is the address of the server that you want to access, and
> is the name of the server. If a server has multiple names, you can
add each name using --hostname
as shown in the following
command:manageAppHost dns --set --ip <ip_address> --hostname <hostname1> --hostname <hostname2>
option to see the defined host names and the
option to remove a host name previously set with the
command.You can use the command to create more Edge Gateways. One system hosting multiple Edge Gateways can pair Edge Gateway to multiple platform accounts. However, a single Edge Gateway can be paired to a single platform account only.
It takes some time to pull the image from
and then the app controllers
pods starts. You can check the connection from the General settings > Connections > Edge
gateways page on the platform. For each
Edge Gateway tile, there is a status indicator.
Green indicates that the Edge Gateway is online
and connected to the platform. The following graphic
shows an example of an Edge Gateway page with
successful connections highlighted.