Configure incident types

You can organize incidents by types.

Click Add Type to create custom incident types. You can also customize the details of an existing incident type. When creating or editing incident types, you can create incident type hierarchies.

For example, your organization executes general activities for any lost laptop. If the laptop belongs to Sales, your organization executes additional activities. If the laptop belongs to HR, it executes additional but different activities due to the nature of the data that is on the device.

To provide this distinction, click Add Type and assign a name such as “Lost HR Laptop”, and select “Lost Laptop/PC” as the parent. These incident types can be used to control the inclusion of rules in playbooks. By building up hierarchies of incident types and associating them with rules, you can create very precise playbooks to meet your specific needs.

If you choose to make the incident type hidden, it is not available for selection when entering a new incident. Only the more detailed option appears in the drop-down menu. This prevents users from choosing the broader category and forces them to choose the more detailed option.

When you have defined incident types, you can use the Incident Type condition in both playbooks and rules so that they are invoked only for those incidents.