QRadar EDR data source type specifications

When you configure IBM® Security QRadar® EDR, understanding the specifications for the QRadar EDR data source type can help ensure a successful integration. For example, knowing what the supported version of QRadar EDR is before you begin can help reduce frustration during the configuration process.

The following table describes the specifications for the QRadar EDR data source type.

Table 1. QRadar EDR data source type specifications
Specification Value
Manufacturer IBM Security
Data source type IBM Security QRadar EDR
Connector type

Universal Cloud REST API

Event format JSON
Recorded event types Alerts
Automatically discovered? No
Includes identity? No
Includes custom properties? No
More information IBM Security QRadar EDR documentation (https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/security-qradar/security-qradar-edr/saas)