
The playbook designer library provides access to customizations and conditional logic that you use to build your playbook.

You access each area of the library through the toolbar.

Library toolbar

The library provides access to the following customizations and decision points that you use to build a playbook.
  • Tasks. Organized by phases. These tasks are also listed in Phases & Tasks under Customization Settings.
  • Functions. Organized by app names, with an Other category for those functions that are not associated with an app. These functions are also listed in Functions under Customization Settings.
  • Scripts. Organized by object type with a Local category for those scripts available only to the playbook. Except for the local scripts, these scripts are also listed in Scripts under Customization Settings.
  • Sub-playbooks. Playbooks that are contained within a playbook. The purpose of a sub-playbook is to create reusable processes based on collections of tasks, scripts, and functions. These sub-playbooks can then be used in multiple playbooks to standardize activities and accelerate playbook design. The sub-playbooks are organized by object type.
  • Decision points. Business logic. The following lists the specific decision points:
    • Wait point. Requires all incoming paths to complete before the playbook can proceed to the next node.
    • Condition point. Use Boolean operators to evaluate incoming data. The result of the evaluation determines which outgoing path to activate. Use Condition points to make logical decisions that are based on the values of incoming data.
    • End point. Signifies the completion of the playbook or a specific path. You can have multiple end points in a playbook that determine the completion of individual paths. All paths must ultimately lead to an End point.

The following graphic shows the Tasks feature open in the library. All tasks are organized by phases.

Library Tasks

The library also has a search capability. When you search for functions, the search returns any matches in the name or description, and the function's app name or description. When you search for tasks, the search returns any matches in the task name or instructions. When you search for scripts, the search returns any matches in the script name or description.