Sharing dashboards with others

As the owner of a dashboard, you can share it with other users on the same account by making them viewers or owners. Owners can collaborate to update the dashboard. Viewers can access the dashboard in read-only mode and see updates that are made by owners.

About this task

Limited capabilities are available to viewers (that is, users who have Viewer access to the dashboard).

Viewers can't change user access to dashboards that you share with them. But they can remove their own access by deleting the shared dashboard from their dashboard list.

Parameter values are not shared with dashboards, but owners and viewers can set their own current or default parameter values.

Drilling down to other dashboards is available for owners and viewers who have access to the target dashboards. Links do not appear if users do not have access to the target dashboards.

Dashboards must have at least one owner.

Owners can revoke user access to a dashboard at any time. If a user tries to open a dashboard that was previously shared with them, a message appears indicating that the dashboard is unavailable, and the dashboard is removed from their dashboard list.

If a dashboard is shared with you as an owner, the dashboard's widgets appear in your widgets library. You can use the widgets in other dashboards that you create. However, if the original dashboard is deleted or your ownership is revoked, the dashboard's widgets are removed from your widget library and other dashboards.


  1. Go to Menu > Dashboards.
  2. Open a dashboard that you own and want to share, and click the Manage user access icon (Manage user access icon).
    The Manage user access page shows all users on the account and their level of access to the dashboard. By default, other users have No access.
    Tip: Click the search icon (search icon) to search by username or access level. For example, type viewer to see all users with Viewer access.
  3. For individual users, select No access (the default), Viewer, or Owner to change their access.
  4. To change access for several users at once, select the checkboxes of the required users and then choose an access level from the selection bar that appears.
  5. Click Save.


Users with Owner or Viewer access see the shared dashboard in their dashboard list. Shared dashboards are indicated by a sharing icon (sharing icon).