Using filters and presets

The Cases page can contain a lot of cases. You can use various filters to reduce the number of cases shown, and you can also create your own filters.

Filters are persistent. Therefore, when you access the Cases page, you see the results from the last filter used. The name that is displayed on the page is the name of the filter. For example, the following graphic shows the Open Cases by Automated Severity filter:

The surrounding text describes this graphic, which is a snap shot of the user interface.

You can select a different filter by from the drop-down menu.

You can further filter the case list by searching for fields with a specific value. Click the edit icon and select the fields that you want to use in your filter. As you click the check box next to a field, it appears with the other fields. You can then click the field and choose or enter a value, depending on the field.

The surrounding text describes this graphic, which is a snap shot of the user interface.

To remove a field from the filter, click the x next to the field, the x becomes visible as you hover over the filter in the Selected filters list.

If you want to reuse your filter settings, click Save As and enter a name and description for your filter. If you have permission, you can choose Private (default) or Shared, which enables other users to select and use your filter.

If you are making changes to a filter, you can discard your changes by clicking the arrow next to Save As and selecting Discard Changes from the menu.

You can share a preset with another user by sending them the URL link. For the URL link to be shareable, the preset must be set to allow access for all users.