Upgrading an app
You upgrade an app by downloading a later version, and then using the app Upgrade button.
During the upgrade, the app is unavailable until the upgrade completes successfully. If
appropriate for the app, notify any users before upgrading.
Note: The upgrade process does not allow
you to choose a different Edge Gateway.
Complete the following steps to upgrade an app:
- Download the new version of the app, in the form of a ZIP file, to your system. If the app is on App Exchange, you can use the Need an App icon on the Apps tab, as described in Download apps from App Exchange.
- From the QRadar platform menu, select Application settings > Case Management > Permissions and access.
- Click Administrator Settings > Apps.
- For the app that you want to upgrade, click the app menu and select
You can also upgrade an app from the Details tab.
- Click Select a file then search for the app zip file on your system.
- Select the file then click Upload file in the wizard.
- Verify that the new version is correct as shown in the first page of the wizard. If it is, click Next.
- In the second page of the wizard, review the contents of the package. The page displays new
customizations to be installed, customizations to be upgraded, and any customizations no longer
provided by the app.
If you modified any customization for your environment, you can choose to not install the upgraded customization. Otherwise, the customization is overwritten.
Note: Any customization labeledMissing
means that the customization is no longer provided in the app package. Upgrading the app does not remove the existing customization you have on the system. - Click Upgrade to upgrade the app. If completed successfully, you see a success message which you can close. Later, you see the app's Details tab, which displays the status of the app.
- If necessary, select the Edge Gateway. In most cases, the Edge Gateway used before the upgrade is selected and does not need to change.
- If necessary, complete any configuration changes as described in Configuring apps.
- In the Details tab, click Deploy to deploy the app.