Configuring an Amazon GuardDuty data source by using the Amazon Web Services connector
- Create and configure an Amazon EventBridge rule to send alerts from AWS Security Hub to AWS CloudWatch log group.
- Create an Identity and Access (IAM) user in the Amazon AWS user interface when using the Amazon Web Services connector.
Add a data source for Amazon GuardDuty in the QRadar product. The following table describes
the Amazon Web Services connector
parameters that require specific values for Amazon GuardDuty Logs collection:
Table 1. Amazon GuardDuty Web Services data source parameters Parameter Value Data source type Amazon GuardDuty Connector type Amazon Web Services Authentication Method - Access Key ID / Secret Key
- Standard authentication that can be used anywhere.
- EC2 Instance IAM Role
- If your QRadar product managed host
is running in an AWS EC2 instance, choose this option to use the IAM Role
from the metadata assigned to the instance for authentication. No keys are required. Note: This method works only for managed hosts that run within an AWS EC2 container.
Access Key ID If you selected Access Key ID / Secret Key, the Access Key ID parameter displays.
The Access Key ID was generated when you configured the security credentials for your AWS user account.
For more information about configuring the security credentials, see Configuring security credentials for your AWS user account.Secret Access Key If you selected Access Key ID / Secret Key, the Secret Access Key parameter displays.
The Secret Key was generated when you configured the security credentials for your AWS user account.
For more information about configuring the security credentials, see Configuring security credentials for your AWS user account.Regions Select the check box for each region that is associated with the Amazon Web Service that you want to collect logs from. Other Regions Type the names of any additional regions that are associated with the Amazon Web Service that you want to collect logs from.
To collect from multiple regions, use a comma-separated list, such as the following example:
region1,region2AWS Service The name of the Amazon Web Service.
From the AWS Service list, select CloudWatch Logs.Log Group The name of the log group in Amazon CloudWatch where you want to collect logs from.
Tip: A single log source can collect CloudWatch logs from only one log group at a time. If you want to collect logs from multiple log groups, create a separate log source for each log group.Log Stream (Optional) The name of the log stream within a log group that you want to collect logs from. Filter Pattern (Optional) Type a pattern for filtering the collected events. This pattern is not a regex filter. Only the events that contain the exact value that you specify are collected from CloudWatch Logs.
If you enter ACCEPT as the Filter Pattern value, only events that contain the word ACCEPT are collected. The following example shows the effect of the ACCEPT value:
{LogStreamName: LogStreamTest,Timestamp: 0,Message: ACCEPT OK,IngestionTime: 0,EventId: 0}
Extract Original Event CloudWatch Logs wrap events that it receives with extra metadata. If you want only the original event that was added to the CloudWatch logs to be forwarded to the QRadar product, select this option. The original event is the value for the message key that is extracted from the CloudWatch Logs.
The following CloudWatch logs event example shows the original event that is extracted from the CloudWatch log in bold text:{LogStreamName: guardDutyLogStream,Timestamp: 1519849569827,Message: {"version": "0", "id": "00-00", "detail-type": "GuardDuty Finding", "account": "1234567890", "region": "us-west-2", "resources": [], "detail": {"schemaVersion": "2.0", "accountId": "1234567890", "region": "us-west-2", "partition": "aws", "type": "Behavior:IAMUser/InstanceLaunchUnusual", "severity": 5.0, "createdAt": "2018-02-28T20:22:26.344Z", "updatedAt": "2018-02-28T20:22:26.344Z"}},IngestionTime: 1519849569862,EventId: 0000}
Use As A Gateway Log Source Do not select this check box.
Use Proxy If the QRadar product accesses the Amazon Web Service by using a proxy, enable Use Proxy.
If the proxy requires authentication, configure the Proxy Server, Proxy Port, Proxy Username, and Proxy Password fields.
If the proxy does not require authentication, configure the Proxy Server and Proxy Port fields.Automatically Acquire Server Certificates If you select Yes from the list, the QRadar product downloads the certificate and begins trusting the target server.
This function can be used to initialize a newly created log source and obtain certificates initially, or to replace expired certificates.
EPS Throttle The maximum number of events per second (EPS) that this log source can't exceed.
The default is 5000. This value is optional if the Use As A Gateway Log Source is checked. If EPS Throttle is left blank, no limit is imposed by the QRadar product.
For more information about the Amazon Web Services connector, see Amazon Web Services Connector configurations options.