Regenerating an API key

You can regenerate the API Key account secret to change the secret as needed. Regenerating the secret does not change the ID.

You might need to regenerate the key secret if the API Key Account is locked due to too many failed login attempts. Any locked API key accounts have a True status in the Locked column.

API key accounts are often used by one or more apps for authentication. Regenerating an API key account secret might cause a running app that uses the API key account to lock up.

For apps configured to use an App Host, you can prevent the app from locking.
  1. Determine which app or apps authenticate with the API key account. Typically, the API key account name includes the app name. If it does not, you can also use one of the following methods.
    • Use the API Key account name, which is listed with API Key account itself and in the Configuration tab of an app under App Secrets.
    • Use the API Key ID, which is listed with API Key account itself and in the app's app.config file as api_key_id.
  2. Go to the Apps tab, click the app that uses the API key account then click Undeploy. For more information, see Apps.
  3. Regenerate the API key.
    1. Go to the Users tab then click API Keys.
    2. Click the API key that you want to regenerate. Scroll down to see the API Key Details of the account.
    3. Click Regenerate API Key Secret then click Regenerate API Key Secret in the drop-down menu. The ID remains the same but a new secret is generated.
    4. In the API Key Credentials, click Copy to Clipboard. You can paste the ID and secret into a text file temporarily so you can easily paste just the secret when you update the app.
  4. Update the app's secret:
    1. Click the app on the Apps tab then click its Configuration tab.
    2. In the App Secrets section, click the name of the API key account.
    3. Paste the new secret in the Secret Value field then click Update.
  5. Click the Details tab then click Deploy to reactivate the app with the new secret.