Uninstalling the QRadar EDR Agent on a Windows endpoint locally in safe mode

If the standard QRadar® EDR Agent uninstallation fails, you can uninstall the agent in safe mode.

About this task



  1. Enter safe mode, then open the command prompt as an administrator.
  2. Stop and delete keeper by typing the following command.
    sc stop keeper & sc delete keeper
  3. Stop and delete rqtsentry by typing the following command.
    sc stop rqtsentry & sc delete rqtsentry
  4. Stop and delete rqtnetsentry by typing the following command.
    sc stop rqtnetsentry & sc delete rqtnetsentry
  5. Stop and delete i00 by typing the following command.
    sc stop i00 & sc delete i00
  6. Remove the ReaQta folder by typing the following command.
    rmdir c:\Program Files\ReaQta
  7. Remove the rqtsentry, rqtnetsentry, and i00 system files by typing the following commands.
    del c:\windows\system32\drivers\rqtsentry.sys
    del c:\windows\system32\drivers\rqtnetsentry.sys
    del c:\windows\system32\drivers\i00.sys
  8. Open the registry editor by typing the following command.
  9. Search the registry for reaqta and remove any entries that are found.