Cp-serviceability pod not deployed or unavailable

You can run the mustgather action manually if the cp-serviceability pod is not deployed or is unavailable.


  1. If the cp-serviceability pod is not deployed or is unavailable, you can run the mustgather action manually by typing the following command.
    oc adm must-gather --image=quay.io/opencloudio/must-gather:4.5.8 -- gather -m overview,cloudpak -n ibm-common-services,<qradar_edr_namespace>
  2. In an air-gapped environment, you must point to your local Docker Registry where all the QRadar® EDR images are mirrored.
    oc adm must-gather --image=<local-docker-registry:5000>/opencloudio/must-gather:4.5.8 -- gather -m overview,cloudpak -n <qradar_edr_namespace>


When the MustGather command is run manually, the action prints output to the console.