IBM Tivoli Directory Server, Version 6.3

Group attribute types

Shows all groups to which an entry belongs. An entry can be a member directly by the member, uniqueMember, or memberURL attributes, or indirectly by the ibm-memberGroup attribute. This Read-only operational attribute is not allowed in a search filter.
Shows all members of a group. An entry can be a member directly by the member, uniqueMember, or memberURL attributes, or indirectly by the ibm-memberGroup attribute. This Read-only operational attribute is not allowed in a search filter.
Is an attribute taken by the auxiliary class ibm-dynamicMember. Use it to define arbitrary values to control membership of the entry in dynamic groups. For example, add the value "Bowling Team" to include the entry in any memberURL that has the filter "ibm-group=Bowling Team".
Is an attribute taken by the auxiliary class ibm-nestedGroup. It identifies sub-groups of a parent group entry. Members of all such sub-groups are considered members of the parent group when processing ACLs or the ibm-allMembers and ibm-allGroups operational attributes. The sub-group entries themselves are not members. Nested membership is recursive.
Identifies the distinguished names for each member of the group.
Identifies a group of names associated with an entry where each name was given a uniqueIdentifier to ensure its uniqueness. A value for the uniqueMember attribute is a DN followed by the uniqueIdentifier.
Identifies an URL associated with each member of a group. Any type of labeled URL can be used.

The following tasks utilize the entries contained in the sample.ldif file that is located in the examples directory of the IBM® Tivoli® Directory Server.

You are going to create three groups to organize a lunch club. The first group is a static group that lists those people who like to meet for lunch on Monday. The second group that meets for lunch on Tuesday is a dynamic group. This group lists all the members of a department (the Widget division). The advantage of a dynamic group is that the changes that you make to the subtree entry, such as adding a new person entry, is dynamically changed in the group as well. The third group is a nested group that is a container for the other two groups.

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