The doAsPrivileged methods
The following methods also perform an action as a particular Subject.
public static Object doAsPrivileged(
final Subject subject,
final action,
final acc);
public static Object doAsPrivileged(
final Subject subject,
final action,
final acc)
An AuthPermission with target "doAsPrivileged" is required to call the doAsPrivileged methods.
doAs vs. doAsPrivileged
The doAsPrivileged methods behave exactly the same as the doAs methods, except that instead of associating the provided Subject with the current Thread's AccessControlContext, they use the provided AccessControlContext. In this way, actions can be restricted by AccessControlContexts different from the current one.
An AccessControlContext contains information about all the code executed since the AccessControlContext was instantiated, including the code location and the permissions the code is granted by the policy. In order for an access control check to succeed, the policy must grant each code item referenced by the AccessControlContext the required permissions.
If the AccessControlContext provided to doAsPrivileged is null, then the action is not restricted by a separate AccessControlContext. One example where this may be useful is in a server environment. A server may authenticate multiple incoming requests and perform a separate doAs operation for each request. To start each doAs action "fresh," and without the restrictions of the current server AccessControlContext, the server can call doAsPrivileged and pass in a null AccessControlContext.