Storage utilization reports

Storage utilization is a measure of how well your available data storage space is used. The Storage Utilization Reports help you review your storage needs and examine your storage capacity. View the total and free space available as well as the total capacity of your volumes and aggregates. Reports are based on the data collected by the most recently run job.

Use the Storage Utilization Reports to answer questions such as:
  • What is the total available storage space in the entire system?
  • What is the amount of free and used space on my volumes?
  • How many files and disks make up my aggregates?
Note: Utilization reports provide advanced warning for volumes, aggregates, or LUNs that are beyond a specified capacity range. Similar reports are available for VMware datastores.

The information in these reports are presented in a chart-based Quick View section, or tabular Summary View and Detail View sections.

Choose the Storage Utilization report that fits your needs.

  • IBM® Storage Virtualize Consistency Groups Report - Display information about your IBM Consistency Groups. View the associated storage providers, source and target volumes, and protection status of your IBM volumes through Consistency Groups
  • IBM Storage Virtualize Pools Report - Review the storage utilization of your IBM storage pools. View the total and free space available and the number of volumes and disks that make up your storage pools.
  • IBM Storage Virtualize Volumes Report - Review the storage utilization of your IBM volumes. View the total space consumed as well as the free space available on your IBM volumes.
  • Instant Disk Restore Volumes Report - Display a list of mapped volumes created through Instant Disk Restore jobs.
  • NetApp ONTAP Aggregates Report - Review the storage utilization and configuration of your NetApp aggregates. View the total and free space available and the number of volumes and disks that make up your aggregates.
  • NetApp ONTAP LUNs Report - Review the total capacity of your LUNs, the total free space, and the percentage available to ascertain your NetApp ONTAP LUN storage utilization.
  • NetApp ONTAP Orphaned LUNs Report - Review NetApp ONTAP storage orphaned LUNs. These are the LUNs that have no initiator group mapping or belong to volumes that are offline.
  • NetApp ONTAP Quotas Report - Review quota status to determine which users or groups are approaching or exceeding quota limits.
  • NetApp ONTAP Snapshots Report - Review the total capacity of your snapshots, the total free space, and the percentage available to ascertain your NetApp ONTAP Snapshot storage utilization.
  • NetApp ONTAP Volumes Report - Review the total capacity of your volumes, the total free space, and the percentage available to ascertain your NetApp ONTAP volume storage utilization.
  • Pure Storage FlashArray Volumes Report - Review the total capacity of your volumes, the total free space, and the percentage available to ascertain your Pure Storage FlashArray volume storage utilization.
  • Storage Capacity Report - Report the storage capacity of your IBM Storage Virtualize pools, and NetApp ONTAP aggregates.
  • VM and Storage Mapping Report - Report that maps VMs all the way to the physical storage from which the datastore is created.
  • VMware Datastores Report - Review the total capacity of your datastores, the total free space, and the percentage available to ascertain your VMware datastore storage utilization.
  • VMware LUNs Report - Displays information about VMware LUNs such as which ESX server it belongs to, its datastore, vendor, total, and allocated capacity.
  • VMware Orphaned Datastores Report - Review the datastores that do not have any virtual machines assigned to them, or if virtual machines are assigned to the datastores, view the virtual machines that are in an inaccessible state.
  • VMware Orphaned LUNs Report - Review VMware orphaned LUNs. These are the LUNs not used as datastores or RDMs.
  • VMware VM Snapshot Sprawl Report - Displays information about virtual machines with aged and memory snapshots.
  • VMware VM Sprawl Report - Displays storage utilization across virtual machines based on their power state and storage utilization across virtual machine templates.
  • VMware VM Storage Report - Review your virtual machines and associated datastores.

Quick View

This area of the report is a graphical illustration of the report using pie charts. For example, the quick view of the NetApp ONTAP Storage Volumes report shows the total capacity of your volumes, the free space, and the used space.

Summary View

This area of the report displays a summary of the data returned in the report. For example, the summary view of the NetApp ONTAP Storage Aggregates report shows the total used, free, and reserved space on your aggregate.

Detail View

This area of the report is a table where each row details a storage system, its corresponding volume or aggregate, and details returned by the report. For example, the NetApp ONTAP Storage Aggregates report shows the used and free space, volume count, disk count, and status of your aggregates.

Choose the Storage Utilization Report that fits your needs.