Remote file systems

After a Filesystem custom resource of a remote file system is deleted, the operator does not delete the remote mount file system configuration on the IBM Storage Scale container native cluster.

Make sure that no applications use Persistent Volumes that the file system serves.

In this example, the sample Filesystem is used:

kind: Filesystem
  name: remote-sample
    cluster: remotecluster-sample
    fs: fs1

Complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the following command to delete the file system from Red Hat OpenShift.

    oc delete filesystem remote-sample -n ibm-spectrum-scale
  2. Log in to a core pod by using the following command and remove the file system from IBM Storage Scale.

    oc rsh -n ibm-spectrum-scale worker0
    • Unmount the file system on all the container native pods.

      mmunmount remote-sample -a
    • Delete the remote file system.

      mmremotefs delete remote-sample
  3. You can delete the remote cluster definition if the remote storage cluster is only configured to mount and serve the single remote-sample file system. Otherwise, the other file systems must be deleted by using the same process that is mentioned in the prior step.

    • Find the remote clusters.

      mmremotecluster show all
    • Delete the remote cluster that serves the remote file system. For example, to delete a remote cluster named

      mmremotecluster delete