Local file systems

This feature is available as a technology preview. Technology preview features are not supported for use within production environments. Use with nonproduction workloads, in demo or proof of concept environments only. IBM production service level agreements (SLAs) are not supported. Technology preview features may not be functionally complete. The purpose of technology preview features is to give access to new and exciting technologies, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. The existence of a technology preview feature does not mean a future release is guaranteed. Feedback is welcome and encouraged.

After a Filesystem custom resource of a local file system is deleted, the operator deletes the local file system on the IBM Storage Scale container native cluster. Therefore, all file system data is erased.

Make sure that no Persistent Volumes use storage of this file system.

Complete the following steps:

  1. To prevent deletion of a file system by mistake, a label must be added to the Filesystem custom resource to confirm deletion. Enter the following command to label the file system for deletion.

    oc label filesystem local-sample -n ibm-spectrum-scale scale.spectrum.ibm.com/allowDelete=
  2. Enter the following command to delete the file system from Red Hat OpenShift and erase the data.

    oc delete filesystem local-sample -n ibm-spectrum-scale

Local disks

Deleting a LocalDisk custom resource causes that the related disk or volume can no longer be used within a local file system.

  1. The disk to delete must not be used by a file system. A LocalDisk custom resource indicates that it's not used by a filesystem with value False in the USED column.

     $ oc get localdisk disk0 -n ibm-spectrum-scale
     disk0   shared   True    False   True                        3.5 TiB   16h
     disk1   shared   True    True    True        local-sample    3.5 TiB   16h
  2. If the disk is not used by any file system, enter the following command to delete it.

     oc delete localdisk disk0 -n ibm-spectrum-scale