
To enable call home functionality, create a CallHome custom resource to the kubernetes cluster. The following steps describe creating a Callhome CR.

  1. Download a copy of the sample callhome.yaml from the GitHub repository.

     curl -fs > callhome.yaml || echo "Failed to download Callhome sample CR"
  2. Edit the callhome.yaml file and make changes specific to your installation. For details on how to fill out the sections of the Callhome specification, see Callhome spec.

  3. After you have made your changes, apply the callhome yaml using the following command:

    oc apply -f callhome.yaml
  4. View the Callhome resources using the following command:

     oc get callhome -n ibm-spectrum-scale

Once deployed, use the command oc edit callhome -n ibm-spectrum-scale to modify properties of the resource.

Call home can be enabled, modified, or disabled at any time.

For more information, see Understanding call home in IBM Storage Scale documentation.

Callhome spec

The following table describe the properties for Callhome:

Table 1. Callhome property and description
Property Required Default Description
companyEmail Yes None The address of the system administrator who can be contacted by the IBM Support. Usually this e-mail address is directed towards a group or task e-mail address. For example,
companyName Yes None The company to which the contact person belongs. This name can consist of any alphanumeric characters and these non-alphanumeric characters are '-', '_', '.', ' ', ','.
countryCode Yes None The two-letter capital letter country codes as defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
customerID Yes None The customer ID of the system administrator who can be contacted by the IBM Support. This can consist of any alphanumeric characters and these non-alphanumeric characters are '-', '_', '.'.
license.accept Yes None License must be accepted by the end user to enable Callhome.
proxy No None If specified, defines a proxy server configuration. Yes, if proxy is specified None The host of proxy server as hostname or IP address.
proxy.port Yes, if proxy is specified None The port of proxy server.
proxy.secretName Yes, if proxy is specified None The secret name of a basic authentication secret, which contains username and password for proxy server.

You should only define one Callhome resource to the namespace.

License agreement

To agree and accept the license, set license.accept property to true. If you do not accept the license, call home is not enabled.

kind: Callhome
    accept: true

Personal information

Under the spec for Callhome, enter your companyName, the customerID that IBM provided to you, the companyEmail and the countryCode.

The countryCode is a two-letter capital letter country codes as defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. For example, US for the United States or DE for Germany.


Set the spec.type to reflect the type of cluster, test or production.

Proxy (optional)

If you are using a proxy for communication, enter information about the proxy service in the spec.proxy field. Enter the oc explain callhome.spec.proxy command to view more details.

If your proxy requires authentication, you must create a kubernetes secret containing the credentials. For example, to create a secret proxyServerSecret, you can enter the following command:

oc create secret generic proxyServerSecret --from-literal=username='<proxy_username>' \
--from-literal=password='<proxy_password>' -n ibm-spectrum-scale

Then add your configuration into the CR:

kind: Callhome
    port: 443
    secretName: proxyServerSecret

Enter the oc explain callhome command to view more details.

Callhome status

Status Conditions can be viewed as a snapshot of the current and most up-to-date status of Callhome.