Managed CSI fields

The CSI controller creates the CSI Custom Resource (CR), and manages some fields. If you change the managed fields, the controller overrides those fields. If needed, you can change the fields other than the managed fields.

Managed fields

The following fields are populated with default values by the CSI controller. Though any new values are accepted, any values that are manually removed are repopulated upon the next controller reconciliation cycle.

Table 1. Managed fields description
Field Default Value
clusters Two entries are created by default (local and remote clusters). Local Cluster ID or Cluster ID of Remote cluster.
clusters.secrets ibm-spectrum-scale-gui-csiadmin for local cluster entry, and the secret that is specified in remote cluster CR for the remote cluster entry.
clusters.secureSSLMode false
clusters.primary.primaryFs The name of the first file system created (only applicable in local. cluster entry)
clusters.restApi.guiHost The GUI route for local cluster entry and one or more GUI hosts that are specified in the remote cluster CR for the remote cluster entry.
tolerations NoSchedule, NoExecute, and CriticalAddonsOnly
attacherNodeSelector scale=true
provisionerNodeSelector scale=true
pluginNodeSelector scale=true
snapshotterNodeSelector scale=true

Editing the CSI CR

To edit the CSI CR, enter this command and update the needed field:

oc edit csiscaleoperator -n ibm-spectrum-scale-csi