2021 Partner cluster IP address unreachable.


This error indicates that the cluster IP address for the partner system is unreachable. Use the fix procedure for the error in the management GUI. You can also complete the following steps to further troubleshoot this error:

User response

  1. Verify the connection between to the system with the svctask ping command. If ping works, there must be something that is blocking a specific port traffic. If ping does not work, there can be no route between the systems. Check the IP gateway configuration on the system nodes and the IP network configuration.
  2. Check the configuration of the routers and firewall to ensure that TCP port 3260 used for IP partnership is not blocked.
  3. Use the ssh command from another system to attempt to establish a session with the problematic remote system IP address to confirm that the remote system is operational. If the remote system cannot be reached, then log in to the remote system and investigate the cause of the outage.