Validating Ethernet partnerships configuration
You can validate the Ethernet partnerships configuration (short-distance and long-distance).
Validating IP (short-distance and long-distance) partnerships configuration
For configuring IP (short-distance and long-distance) partnership, you need to create a portset, add IP address to that portset, and then, assign this portset to new IP partnership. Hence, to validate this new IP partnership (short-distance and long-distance) configuration is running accurately, certain attribute needs to be checked.
- Ensure that the partnership is in a Fully Configured state.
- Ensure that backup IP addresses if available, are configured correctly for all the portsets that are used for the partnership.
Resolving a not_present state for an IP (long-distance and short-distance) partnership
The not_present state indicates that the remote system is not visible. This state can be caused by a problem with the connectivity between the local and remote system, the remote system is unavailable, or if the partnership was not configured correctly. You can use lspartnership command to check the status of partnerships.
- Configuration error that causes the not_present state
- The IP addresses of the corresponding portsets from both the system are not mutually reachable.
All the configured IP addresses for the portsets used while creating an IP partnership on one system
should be reachable to the corresponding IP address on other system.
- Error 2020 (long-distance partnerships only)
- Error 2021 (short-distance and long-distance partnerships)
- Error 2022 (short-distance and long-distance partnerships)
- Error 2023 (short-distance and long-distance partnerships)
Complete the following steps to troubleshoot short-distance partnerships using RDMA configuration:
- Ensuring connectivity between links
- Ensure that all IP addresses associated with the link1 and link2 portsets on the primary IBM
FlashSystem are connected with all IP addresses associated with the link1 and link2 portsets on the
secondary IBM FlashSystem. The same can be validated as follows:
- By using the GUI: Go to Show Results. . Select the node and click
- By using the CLI: Run the CLI command sainfo lsnodeipconnectivity on all the nodes of the system.
- Ensuring resilient configuration and maximum redundancy
- For a more resilient configuration and to have maximum redundancy, ensure that IP addresses configured on the ports for both the links are from different nodes.
- Further troubleshooting if partnership status is not fully_configured
- In case the partnership status, is anything but fully_configured, further troubleshooting is required to understand why there is change in partnership. Here are some of the partnerships states and ways to troubleshoot:
- Check reachability to system
- While reference of event logs and DMPs from the GUI are the recommended way to resolve any issue
pertaining to the IBM FlashSystem, an alternate way is to verify
connectivity to the remote system by checking reachability to the system.
- Check the connectivity to the remote cluster by using the svctask ping
For IPv4:
svctask ping -srcip4 <source_ip> <destination_ip>
For IPv6:
svctask ping6 -srcip6 <source_ip> <destination_ip>
- Check the connectivity to the remote cluster by using the svctask ping
Resolving a mkippartnership command failure
The mkippartnership command defines a new partnership (short-distance and long-distance) that is created over intersite WAN links. The mkippartnership might fail because of empty portsets and correct IP address not selected.
- Empty portsets leads to failure of mkippartnership command, hence associated IP addresses must be configured and mapped to the corresponding portsets before using them with mkippartnership command.
- A system that is running on version 8.4.2.x or later can partner with only one of three systems from version less than 8.4.2.x. The mkippartnership command fails if any attempt is made to establish IP partnership with more than one system that is running on version less than 8.4.2.x. Hence, try to restrict the IP partnership with only one system running on version lesser than 8.4.2.x if multiple IP partnerships are intended.
- The mkippartnership command fails while creating an IP partnership (short-distance and long-distance), in case either of the systems participating in the partnership fail to specify link1 or link2 on both the sides. Both systems must specify either link1 or link2 on both sides to establish a partnership.)
- The mkippartnership command fails while creation of IP partnership with a dual portsets. This happens when each portset ID or portset name is specified twice while executing mkippartnership command on each system. Hence, use different available portset ID or portset name while executing the mkippartnership command on each system.
Even after following the troubleshooting procedure, if the issue still is not resolved, raise a support ticket with IBM for further assistance.