CMMVC5918E The FlashCopy mapping was not prepared, either because there are no online nodes in the I/O group or because there are unrecovered FlashCopy mappings or unrecovered Global Mirror or Metro Mirror relationships in the I/O group.


This error might be caused by a temporary loss of all of the nodes in the I/O group, which causes all of the FlashCopy mappings and Global and Metro Mirror relationships of the I/O group to be unusable.

User response

Perform the following steps:

  1. Ensure that at least one of the nodes in the I/O group of the mapping is online.
  2. Fix all of the unfixed events in the event log.
  3. Follow the fix procedures.

You might be required to delete and re-add ALL of the FlashCopy maps and Global and Metro Mirror relationships in the I/O group.

Resubmit the command.