Deleting an ownership group

You can use the management GUI or the command-line interface (CLI) to delete ownership groups.

An ownership group defines a subset of users and objects within the system.

Using the management GUI

  1. Select Access > Ownership Groups. The Ownership Group page opens.
  2. Click the menu button next to the ownership group that you want to delete, and then select Remove Group. The Remove Ownership Group page opens.
  3. Select Remove.

Using the command-line interface

Use the rmownershipgroup command to delete an ownership group.

For example:
rmownershipgroup -keepobjects group_id_or_name
where group_id_or_name specifies ID or name of the ownership group to delete. The keepobjects parameter specifies to keep the objects that currently belong to the ownership group and to modify them to have no ownership group. You must specify the keepobjects parameter to delete an ownership group that still contains associated objects. You cannot delete an ownership group that still contains user groups, even if you specify the keepobjects parameter.