
Use the mkcluster command to create a new system.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram satask mkcluster -clusterip-ipv4_ip-gw-ipv4_gw-maskipv4_mask-namecluster_name-vlanvlan_id-portport_idpanel_name
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram satask mkcluster -clusterip_6ipv6_ip -gw_6ipv6_gw -prefix -prefix_6 subnet_prefix -namecluster_name -vlanvlan_id -portport_id panel_name
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram satask mkcluster -ipipv4_addressipv6_address -gwipv4_gwipv6_gw -prefix subnet_prefix -namecluster_name -vlanvlan_id -portport_id panel_name


-clusterip ipv4_ip
(Optional) Specifies the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) address for the specific port ID.
-mask ipv4_mask
(Optional) Specifies the IPv4 subnet for the specific port ID.
-clusterip_6 ipv6_ip
(Optional) Specifies the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address for the specific port ID.
-gw_6 ipv6_gw
(Optional) Specifies the IPv6 gateway for the specific port ID.
-prefix -prefix_6 ipv6_subnetsubnet_prefix
(Optional) Specifies the IPv6 prefix for the specific port ID.
-name cluster_name
(Optional) Specifies the name of the new system.
(Optional) Specifies the node being serviced.
Note: If panel_name is not supplied, this command applies to the node on which the command is running.
-ip ipv4_address|ipv6_address
(Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID for a IPv4 or IPv6 address.
-prefix subnet_prefix
(Required) Specifies the prefix of the subnet. The value for IPv4 addresses and IPv6 addresses can range from 1 to 31 and 1 to 127 respectively.
-gw gateway
(Optional) Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 gateway address. The value consists in the standard format for IPv4 address, or IPv6 address of a string of 40 characters.
-vlan vlan_id
(Optional) Specifies the VLAN ID for a IPv4 or IPv6 address.
-port port_id
(Optional) Specifies a new IP address to the Ethernet Port ID.
Note: If -port parameter is not specified the default port ID is 1.
Remember: You must specify one of the following:
  • IPv4 system IP, gateway, and subnet
  • IPv6 system IP, gateway, and prefix


This command creates a new system.

An invocation example

The following example uses specific -clusterip, -gw, and -mask parameters.

satask mkcluster -clusterip -gw -mask

The resulting output:

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