
Use the lssystem command to display a detailed view of a system.


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-delim delimiter
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(Optional) Suppress the headings in the output.


This command displays a detailed view of a system.

This table provides the attribute values that can be displayed as output view data.
Table 1. lssystem output
Attribute Possible Values
layer The value can be either:
  • replication
    • The system can create partnerships with other replication-layer systems.
    • The system can use another system that is configured with storage-layer as external storage.
  • storage
    • The system can create partnerships with other storage-layer systems.
    • The system can provide external storage for replication-layer systems.
location The location is local or remote.
statistics status The status is on or off.
auth_service_type Indicates the type of authentication service.
auth_service_configured Indicates if an authentication service is configured.
auth_service_enabled Indicates if an authentication service is enabled.
email_state The possible values are:
  • running
  • stopped
  • invalid
partnership The possible values are:
  • fully_configured
  • partially_configured_local
  • partially_configured_local_stopped
  • not_present
  • fully_configured_stopped
  • fully_configured_remote_stopped
  • fully_configured_local_excluded
  • fully_configured_remote_excluded
  • fully_configured_exceeded
  • Blank
tier Indicates which system information is being reported. The values are:
  • tier0_flash
  • tier1_flash
  • tier_enterprise
  • tier_nearline
  • tier_scm
tier Indicates which system information is being reported.
tier_capacity Indicates the total MDisk storage in the tier.
tier_free_capacity Indicates the amount of MDisk storage in the tier that is unused.
compression_active Indicates whether any compressed volume copies exist in non-data reduction pools. Compressed volumes that are in data reduction pools do not count towards this value.
compression_virtual_capacity Indicates the total virtual (provisioned) capacity for all compressed volume copies in non-data reduction pools. Compressed volumes that are in data reduction pools do not count towards this value. This value is in unsigned decimal format.
compression_compressed_capacity Indicates the total used capacity for all compressed volume copies in non-data reduction pools. Compressed volumes that are in data reduction pools do not count towards this value. This value is in unsigned decimal format.
compression_uncompressed_capacity Indicates the total uncompressed used capacity for all compressed volume copies in non-data reduction pools. Compressed volumes that are in data reduction pools do not count towards this value. This value is in unsigned decimal format.
physical_capacity Indicates the total physical capacity of all standard-provisioned and thin-provisioned storage that is managed by the storage system. The value is rounded to two decimal places.
physical_free_capacity Indicates the total free physical capacity of all standard-provisioned and thin-provisioned storage that is managed by the storage system. The value is rounded to two decimal places.
total_reclaimable_capacity Indicates the unused (free) capacity that will be available after data is reduced. For storage pools that are not data reduction pools, this field reports 0.00MB.
Note: total_reclaimable_capacity is a sum of all the lsmdiskgrp reclaimable_capacities, which has a +/-1% margin. Therefore, this field has up to a +/-4% margin.
used_capacity_before_reduction Indicates the total amount of data that is written to thin-provisioned and compressed volume copies that are in data reduction storage pools - before data reduction occurs. This value does not include standard-provisioned volumes (that can be created in a data reduction storage pool) because they are not eligible for reduction.
used_capacity_after_reduction Indicates the total amount of capacity that is used for thin-provisioned and compressed volume copies in the storage pool after data reduction occurs.
overhead_capacity Indicates the overhead capacity consumption in all storage pools that is not attributed to data.
rc_buffer_size (deprecated)  
has_nas_key (deprecated)  
total_drive_raw_capacity The total known capacity of all discovered drives (regardless of drive use).
email_organization Indicates the user's organization that is shown in the call home email function.
email_machine_address Indicates the user's mailing address that is shown in the call home email function.
email_machine_city Indicates the user's city that is shown in the call home email function.
email_machine_state Indicates the user's state that is shown in the call home email function.
email_machine_zip Indicates the user's postal code that is shown in the call home email function.
email_machine_country Indicates the user's country that is shown in the call home email function.
cache_prefetch Indicates whether cache prefetching is enabled across the system. The values are on and off.
local_fc_port_mask Indicates the Fibre Channel (FC) input/output (I/O) ports that a system can use for node-to-node communications on a local system if those FC I/O ports exist on a node. The value is 64 binary bits.
partner_fc_port_mask Indicates the FC I/O ports that a system can use for system-to-system communications on a partner system if those FC I/O ports exist on a node. The value is 64 binary bits.
compression_destage_mode Indicates the cache destage mode operation for Real-time compression within the cluster.
rc_auth_status (Deprecated)  
vdisk_protection_time Indicates the volume protection time in minutes (whether volume protection is enabled or not enabled). The value must be a number from 15 (default) to 1440.
vdisk_protection_enabled Indicates whether volume protection is enabled (yes) or disabled (no) for a system.
product_name Indicates the product name.
odx Indicates whether offloaded data transfer (ODX) is enabled or disabled. The values are on and off.
easy_tier_acceleration Indicates Easy Tier® and pool balance acceleration status. The values are on and off.
max_replication_delay (Deprecated)  
partnership_exclusion_threshold (Deprecated)  
enhanced_callhome Indicates whether to collect enhanced data in the call home report. The values are on or off.

The enhanced reports include operational and event-related data and specific configuration information that is included in the inventory report. This function alerts the support center about hardware failures and potentially serious configuration or environmental issues. The support center can use the configuration information to automatically generate best practices or recommendations that are based on your actual configuration.

censor_callhome Indicates that sensitive data is stripped from enhanced call home data. The values are on or off.
total_mdisk_capacity Indicates the sum of mdiskgrp capacity plus the capacity of all unmanaged MDisks.
space_in_mdisk_grps Indicates the sum of mdiskgrp capacity.
space_allocated_to_vdisks Indicates the sum of mdiskgrp real_capacity.
total_free_space Indicates the sum of mdiskgrp free_capacity.
total_vdiskcopy_capacity Indicates the total provisioned capacity of all volume copies in the cluster.
total_used_capacity Indicates the sum of mdiskgrp used_capacity.
total_vdisk_capacity Indicates the total provisioned capacity of volumes in the cluster.
total_allocated_extent_capacity Indicates the total size of all extents that are allocated to volumes or otherwise in use by the system.
total_overallocation Indicates the total_vdiskcopy_capacity as a percentage of total_mdisk_capacity. If total_mdisk_capacity is zero, then total_overallocation should display 100.
tier0_flash_compressed_data_used Indicates the capacity of compressed data used on the flash tier 0 storage tier.
tier1_flash_compressed_data_used Indicates the capacity of compressed data used on the flash tier 1 storage tier.
deduplication_capacity_saving Indicates the total amount of used capacity that is saved by data deduplication. This saving is before any compression.
compression_opportunity Indicates the total amount of capacity of all volume-copies within data reduction pools that are enabled for compression. It does not include Real-time compression capacity or capacity that has been saved by data deduplication.
deduplication_opportunity Indicates the total amount of used_capacity_before_reduction of all volume-copies within data reduction pools that are enabled for data deduplication.
host_unmap This field displays whether SCSI Unmap support is enabled from the Host perspective. The possible values that are displayed are on or off.
backend_unmap This field displays whether SCSI Unmap support for backend storage is enabled by the administrator. The possible values that are displayed are on or off.
Note: If backend_unmap is disabled, the system may still issue unmap commands to drives if they are in a storage pool where the format_required property is yes.
quorum_mode This field displays the mode that quorum is in for tie-breaking. The possible values that are displayed are standard, preferred, or winner.
quorum_site_id This field displays the site ID that quorum uses when the quorum mode is set to preferred or winner. The possible values that are displayed are 1 or 2.
quorum_site_name This field displays the site name that quorum uses when the quorum mode is set to preferred or winner.
quorum_lease This field displays the lease duration that should be used. The possible values that are displayed are short or long.
automatic_vdisk_analysis This field displays the scheduling status of automatic volume analysis. The possible values that are displayed are on or off.
snapshot_policy_suspended This field displays the scheduling status of snapshot policy suspended. The possible values that are displayed are yes or no.
Note: All volume groups that have a snapshot policy associated with them can be suspended using chsystem -snapshotpolicysuspended yes. If suspended, no snapshots can be created or removed by the snapshot scheduler.
easytier This field displays whether the IBM® Easy Tier function on a system level is enabled or disabled. The values are on and off.
protection_provisioned_capacity The amount of capacity provisioned to store point-in-time copies for volumes in the system. This includes snapshots and consistency protection for replication.
protection_written_capacity The amount of capacity written to store point-in-time copies for volumes in the system before any data reduction. This includes snapshots and consistency protection for replication.
flashcopy_gui_enabled Displays whether GUI shows the FlashCopy panels. Values can be yes or no.
console_ip Displays either the:
  • Automatically populated system port 1 IP Address - Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) or IPv6.
  • User-populated IPv4 address.
The port value is always 443, which requires the system to run by using default Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS).
email_from Displays the email address in the from field of the email that is sent by the system.
snapshot_preserve_parent Indicates the snapshot and parent preservation behavior. Values can be yes or no.
Note: If the value is set to no, the parent volume for snapshots goes offline when the system cannot maintain the snapshot. If the value is set to yes, the parent volume remains online and the snapshot is deleted.
relationship_bandwidth_limit (Deprecated)  
anomaly_detection Indicates whether the workload anomaly detection feature is enabled for the system.
Note: The anomaly_detection is on by default on systems that have NVMe support.
flashcopy_default_grainsize Indicates the default grainsize being used when creating new FlashCopy® relationships.
storage_insights_control_access Indicates whether the storage insights can submit a storage partition migration request or not.
flash_grid_system_uuid Indicates a globally unique ID for the system, used to identify it within a Flash Grid
flash_grid_uuid Indicates the globally unique ID for the Flash Grid that the system is part of. If the ID is not part of a Flash Grid, it remains blank.
flash_grid_name Indicates the name of the Flash Grid that the system is part of. If the name is not part of a Flash Grid, it remains blank.
flash_grid_owner_uuid Indicates the flash_grid_system_uuid that owns the Flash Grid of which the system is a member of.
auto_drive_download Indicates whether the auto drive download feature is enabled for the system or not.