Use the expandvdisksize command to expand the provisioned capacity of a volume by a specified amount.
- -size disk_size
- (Optional) Specifies the capacity by which the volume is expanded. If you specify a capacity that is not a multiple of 1 MB, it is aligned automatically. You must specify either -size or -rsize. The default disk_size unit is megabytes (MB). Use the -unit parameter to specify a different unit.
- -rsize disk_size
- (Optional) Specifies the capacity by which to increase the real size of a thin-provisioned volume. Specify the disk_size value by using an integer. Specify the unit for a disk_size integer by using the -unit parameter; the default unit is megabytes (MB). The -rsize value can be greater than, equal to, or less than the size of the volume. You cannot specify the -rsize parameter with the -size parameter. You must specify either -size or -rsize. This option applies only to volume copies in a standard pool.
- -copy id
- (Optional) Specifies the copy to change the real capacity for. You must also specify the -rsize parameter; you can only modify the real capacity of a volume copy. The -copy parameter is required if the specified volume is mirrored and only one copy is thin-provisioned. If the volume is mirrored, both copies are thin-provisioned and -copy is not specified, both copies are modified by the same amount.
- -mdisk mdisk_id_list | mdisk_name_list
- (Optional) Specifies the list of one or more MDisks to be used as the stripe set. The extents that expand the volume come from the specified list of MDisks. All MDisks in the list must be part of the same storage pool. The -mdisk parameter cannot be used if the specified volume is mirrored or if the volume is thin-provisioned.
- -fmtdisk
- (Optional) Specifies that the volume be formatted before use. This flag formats the new extents that have been added to the volume as a result of the expandvdisksize command. The expandvdisksize command completes asynchronously if you use this parameter. Fast formatting is on by default for standard-provisioned volumes.
- -nofmtdisk
- (Optional) Disables fast format for the newly expanded region of the standard-provisioned volume. This option is ignored when expanding a mirrored volume that has a fully allocated copy. The newly expanded region is always fast formatted.
- -unit b | kb | mb | gb | tb | pb
- (Optional) Specifies the disk_size unit for the -size or -rsize parameter. The default value is megabytes (MB).
- vdisk_name | vdisk_id
- (Required) Specifies the volume to modify, either by ID or by name.
Use the expandvdisksize command to expand the writable capacity that is allocated to a particular volume by the specified amount. You can use expandvdisksize while the volume is fast formatting and while the volume is synchronizing.
The command can also be used to expand the provisioned capacity of a thin-provisioned volume without altering the writable capacity that is assigned to the volume. To change the capacity of a non-thin-provisioned volume, or the provisioned capacity of a thin-provisioned volume, use the -size parameter. To change the real capacity of a thin-provisioned volume, use the -rsize parameter.
state. You must expand
both volumes in a relationship to maintain full operation of the system. To perform this task: - Expand the secondary volume by the required extra capacity.
- Expand the primary volume by the required extra capacity.
- Volumes are in Global Mirror relationships that are operating in cycling mode.
- Volumes are in relationships where a change volume is configured. The change volume must be removed from the relationship before the volume can be expanded.
You cannot use the expandvdisksize command to expand HyperSwap® volumes, instead use the expandvolume command.
- You cannot resize (expand) an image mode volume.
- You cannot resize (expand) volume if that volume is being fast formatted.
- You cannot resize (expand) a volume if cloud snapshot is enabled on that volume.
- You cannot specify
expandvdisksize -rsize
to expand (resize) a thin or compressed volume copy that is in a data reduction pool. - You cannot specify
expandvdisksize -mdisk
to resize (expand) a volume when a volume is being migrated.
An invocation example to increase the capacity of vdisk1
bytes using extents from two MDisks (and to format the new part of the
expandvdisksize -size 2048 -unit b -mdisk mdisk0:mdisk1 -fmtdisk vdisk1
The resulting output:
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