
Use the addnode command to add a new (candidate) node to an existing system. Enter this command any time after a system is created. If you are adding a node to a system, make sure that the model type of the new node is supported by the system code (code) version of the existing system. If the model type is not supported by the code, upgrade the system to a code version that supports the model type of the new node.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram addnode -panelnamepanel_name-wwnodenamewwnn_name-namenode_name-spare-iogrpiogroup_nameiogroup_id-sitesite_namesite_id


-panelname panel_name
(Required if you do not specify the -wwnodename parameter) Specifies the node that you want to add to a system by the name that is displayed in the management GUI, the service assistant, or displayed by specifying lsnodecandidate. You cannot use this parameter with the -wwnodename parameter.
Note: If panel_name is not supplied, it applies to the node on which the command is running.
-wwnodename wwnn_name
(Required if you do not specify the -panelname parameter) Specifies the node that you want to add to the system by the worldwide node name (WWNN). You cannot use this parameter with the -panelname parameter.
-name node_name
(Optional) Specifies a name for the node that you want to add to the system. You can use this name in subsequent commands to refer to the node, instead of using the node ID.
Note: Node names that are supplied with the -name parameter on the addnode and chnode commands must not already be in use as node names or as node failover_names.

If you assign a name, this name is displayed as the node name from then on. If you do not assign a name, a default name is used. The default name that is used depends on whether the node is replacing one that was previously deleted. When a node is deleted, its name is retained in the I/O group as the failover name of its partner node. If no nodes remain in an I/O group, no failover names are retained. Only one failover name can be stored for each node. If you add a node into an I/O group that has a retained failover name and do not specify a node name, the retained failover name is assigned to this node. If you do not specify a name and there is no retained failover name, the name that is assigned has the format nodeX.

Important: The iSCSI Qualified Name (IQN) for each node is generated using the system and node names. If you are using the iSCSI protocol and the target name for this node is already active on its partner node, and iSCSI hosts are attached to it, adding the node with a different name changes the IQN of this node in the system and might require reconfiguration of all iSCSI-attached hosts.
(Optional) Specifies that the node that is being added is a spare node and not an I/O node group member. You cannot specify this parameter with -iogrp.
-iogrp iogroup_name | iogroup_id
(Required) Specifies the I/O group to which you want to add this node.
-site site_name | site_id
(Optional) Specifies the numeric site value or site name of the new node.


This command adds a node to the system. You can obtain a list of candidate nodes (nodes that are not already assigned to a system) by typing lsnodecandidate. You cannot add a node with less memory than any potential partner nodes that are in the I/O group.
Note: The addnode command is supported only if the multiple I/O groups compatibility feature is enabled while adding a second I/O group.

You can create thin-provisioned volumes in a data reduction storage pool on all node types. Compressed volumes in a data reduction storage pool must be created in an I/O group with node types that support compression. Nodes that support compression can be added to an I/O group that contains compressed volumes.

If encryption is enabled on the system, then a new encryption licence for each new MTM serial must be installed by using the management GUI before the new node or enclosure can be added to the system.

Note: This command is successful only if the node-enclosure system ID matches the system, or is blank.

When the first thin or compressed volume in a data reduction pool is created for an IO group, the IO group sets CPU parameters based on the lowest number of CPU resources available based on the nodes in the I/O group. A new node with less CPU resources cannot be added to the I/O group.

Before you add a node to the system, you must check to see if any of the following conditions are true. If the following conditions exist, failure to follow the procedures that are documented here might result in the corruption of all data that is managed by the system.
  • Is the new node being used to replace a failed node in the system?
  • Does the node being added to the system use physical node hardware that has been used as a node in another system, and are both system recognized by the same hosts?
If any of the previous conditions are true, you must take the following actions:
  1. Add the node to the same I/O group that it was previously in. You can use the command-line interface command lsnode or the management GUI to determine the WWNN of the system nodes.
  2. Shut down all of the hosts that use the system before you add the node back into the system.
  3. Add the node back to the system before the hosts are restarted. If the I/O group information is unavailable or it is inconvenient to shut down and restart all of the hosts that use the system, you can do the following:
    1. On all of the hosts that are connected to the system, unconfigure the Fibre Channel adapter device driver, the disk device driver, and the multipathing driver before you add the node to the system.
    2. Add the node to the system, and then reconfigure the Fibre Channel adapter device driver, the disk device driver, and multipathing driver.
If you are adding a node to a system, take the following actions:
  1. Ensure that the model type of the new node is supported by the code level for the system. If the model type is not supported by the system code, you must upgrade the system to a version of code that supports the model type of the new node.
  2. Record the node serial number, the WWNN, all WWPNs, and the I/O group to which the node is added. You might need to use this information later. Having it available can prevent possible data corruption if the node must be removed from and re-added to the clustered system.
Note: Transparent cloud tiering can be enabled on a system if every node on the system supports it. If a system supports transparent cloud tiering, you cannot add nodes that do not support it to the system.

Other considerations when you add a node to a system:

When you add a node to the system by using the addnode command or the system GUI, you must confirm whether the node has previously been a member of the system. If it has, follow one of these two procedures:
  • Add the node to the same I/O group that it was previously in. You can determine the WWNN of the nodes in the system by using the lsnode command.
  • If you cannot determine the WWNN of the nodes in the cluster, call the support team to add the node back into the system without corrupting the data.

When a node is added to a system, it displays a state of adding. It can take 30 minutes for the node to be added to the system, particularly if the version of code that is associated with the node changed.

Attention: If the node remains in the adding state for more than 30 minutes, contact your support representative to assist you in resolving this issue.

When a node is deleted, its name is retained in an I/O group as the failover name of its partner node. If no nodes remain in an I/O group, no failover names are retained.

The addnode command fails if you specify a name that is either an existing node name or a retained failover name, or if the system has a configuration that exceeds the limits for the node that is being added. Specify a different name for the node that is being added.

Compressed or thin deduplicated volumes can be added only to systems in which all nodes support deduplicated volumes. You can only add nodes that support deduplicated volumes to a system that contains compressed or thin deduplicated volumes. Nodes can only be added to a system that contains compressed or thin deduplicated volumes if that new node can support the amount of memory that is allocated for data deduplication in the target I/O group.

Note: A system with a storage partition is only allowed to have a single I/O group.

An invocation example

addnode -wwnodename 5005076801e08b -iogrp io_grp0

The resulting output:

Node, id [6], successfully added