Configuring the QLogic HBA for hosts running the VMware operating system

After you have installed the QLogic HBA and the device driver on hosts that are running the VMware operating system, you must configure the HBA.

About this task

To configure the QLogic host bus adapter (HBA) on VMware hosts, follow this procedure:


  1. Restart the server.
  2. When you see the QLogic banner, press Ctrl + Q to open the FAST!UTIL menu panel.
  3. From the Select Host Adapter menu, select the Adapter Type QLA2xxx
  4. From the Fast!UTIL Options menu, select Configuration Settings.
  5. From the Configuration Settings menu, click Host Adapter Settings.
  6. From the Host Adapter Settings menu, select the following values:
    1. Host Adapter BIOS: Disabled
    2. Frame size: 2048
    3. Loop Reset Delay: 5 (minimum)
    4. Adapter Hard Loop ID: Disabled
    5. Hard Loop ID: 0
    6. Spinup Delay: Disabled
    7. Connection Options: 1 - point to point only
    8. Fibre Channel Tape Support: Disabled
    9. Data Rate: 4
  7. Press Esc to return to the Configuration Settings menu.
  8. From the Configuration Settings menu, select Advanced Adapter Settings.
  9. From the Advanced Adapter Settings menu, set the following parameters:
    1. Execution throttle: 100
    2. Luns per Target: 0
    3. Enable LIP Reset: No
    4. Enable LIP Full Login: Yes
    5. Enable Target Reset: Yes
    6. Login Retry Count: 8
    7. Port Down Retry Count: 8
    8. Link Down Timeout: 10
    9. Command Timeout: 20
    10. Extended event logging: Disabled (might be enabled for debugging)
    11. RIO Operation Mode: 0
    12. Interrupt Delay Timer: 0
  10. Press Esc to return to the Configuration Settings menu.
  11. Press Esc.
  12. From the Configuration settings modified window select Save changes.
  13. From the Fast!UTIL Options menu, select Select Host Adapter and repeat steps 3 to 12 if more than one QLogic adapter was installed.
  14. Restart the server.