Kafka interface issues

Take the following steps for issues with the Kafka interface.


  1. Ensure that the following Kafka related event log messages are turned on:

    #769, #770, #780, #787, #788, #789

  2. If IBM® Safer Payments is not reading everything from Kafka system, run the following command on the Kafka broker to check the current state:
    <kafka install directory>/bin/kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server <kafka broker> --describe --group <groupname> 
  3. Reproduce the problem.
  4. Upload the following files to the case:
    • The cfg.zip.
    • The Kafka command that shows the Kafka broker status.

    If you cannot send the full cfg.zip, at least send settings.iris and settings.iris from the cfg folder. Also send the system event logs and audit event logs in the log folder.

    For more information, see Sending information to IBM Support.