Change log

IBM® Safer Payments includes defect fixes, APARs, and changes.

Critical defects

The following critical defects were fixed:

  • Changing the master key fails if the new key is a KMIP master key and it uses a certificate private key that is protected by a passphrase. The instance that is used to perform the master key change becomes detached. Other instances in the cluster get stuck in the state Changing master key: finalize (APAR PO10096).
  • A crash might occur during golive if the golive tries to activate masterdata for use in extended masterdata queries and Administration > System > Configuration > Misc > Enable configuration change journal is selected.
  • A crash might occur when case actions are sent that include query values that display as n/a or Data accessible only in DDC (APAR PO10133).
  • Buffer overflow and uncontrolled memory allocation errors occur in MCI when remote systems send arbitrary large requests.
  • When a ruleset from a challenger model revision is deleted while simulation is using that ruleset, backtraces and error log messages are generated. Also, a ruleset can be deleted after rules are moved from one ruleset to another. Now, deleting rulesets and moving rules are not allowed while simulation is running.

Major defects and changes

The following major defects were fixed and major changes were made:

  • On Model > [revision] > Revision overview > Revision control > Audit trail > Detailed audit trail, entries for encrypted attributes are shown in masked format regardless of the user's masking privileges.
  • A crash might occur when a challenger revision is deleted while a random forest model generation is running (APAR PO09971).
  • On numerous pages in the user interface, single select component dropdown values are cut off if they display at the bottom of the page. The same problem occurs for autocomplete dropdowns for condition forms and for color picker components (APAR PO09884, PO09853, PO09645).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Masterdata query, values are not correctly rendered if one attribute is used with categories in two masterdata with different insertion conditions (APAR PO10041).
  • Status alarm indicators do not display a title if a tooltip is unavailable (APAR PO09575).
  • External queries that update encrypted masterdata block FLI (APAR PO10058).
  • A deadlock might occur if simultaneously a case that has reporting attributes and queries is opened and a golive is run.
  • There is no setting to prevent end-of-day jobs from running. Now, added an End of day (Eod) job checkbox on Administration > System > Configuration. If selected, end-of-day jobs are allowed to run. If cleared, they are prevented. The default is selected. Before you use the feature, contact IBM Support.
  • The user interface might freeze if a table shows many columns, for example, in mappings. Now, columns are, by default, limited to 40. If needed, increase the limit in the table settings. Tables now load faster (APAR PO10029).
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Data model > Preprocessing rules, when a rule report without context is run, the All Rules page is displayed. Instead, the actual rule report page should be displayed. Also, if you navigate away from the Simulation Report page by clicking another menu entry, the All Rules page is displayed (APAR PO10070).
  • The digit and decimal group separators for numeric expressions are not correctly enforced. Also, the wildcard values are truncated on the user interface (APAR PO09999).
  • DDC files are not removed during golive after an element is deleted if the element already existed during startup.
  • Data synchronization is slow when it writes an audit trail for a large defined risk list.
  • In numerous places where lists are defined in the user interface, after an output value is deleted, the condition values in other outputs in the list are corrupted (APAR PO10067).
  • Some HTTP requests are not producing log messages. The lack of log messages makes problem resolution difficult for IBM Support.
  • A crash might occur if multiple requests to copy a retired revision are made while a golive is running (APAR PO10077).
  • A deadlock might occur when a simulation rule report query is started. Then, before that is finished, a rule is deleted that has a conclusion or masterdata rule action (APAR PO10075).
  • Status alarm indicators display zero values (APAR PO10080).
  • During computations like golive, other computations like queries and simulation might pause while the instance tries to enter maintenance mode, even if the instance is not ready to enter maintenance mode. Now, the queries and simulations are paused only when the instance enters maintenance mode (APAR PO10085).
  • Simulation performance is slower than expected. Now, simulation performance is still slower than real-time performance in most situations, but it is improved, especially when many elements are used.
  • Golives and end of day jobs are blocked while reporting queries are computed (APAR PO10043).
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings > Export data jobs, if multiple mandators are selected on the Data Selection tab, duplicate attributes display on the Data output tab. The problem occurs if the selected mandators inherit attributes from the same parent mandator (APAR PO10048).
  • Attributes that are selected for inclusion in the data output of a data export job might be excluded from the export file (APAR PO10087).
  • Golives cannot proceed if other revisions are running rule generation (APAR PO10073).
  • When manually marking records as genuine or fraudulent from query results on Investigation > Queries > Queries, there is no control over which notifications are selectable. Now, notifications can be configured to be selectable by setting the new Available for manual fraud marking checkbox on Administration > External system integration > Notifications. The Trigger notifications on fraud marking role privilege on Administration > User management > Roles is also new. It controls the ability to trigger notifications.
  • Binary StatusRequests values in MCI that are nonzero are interpreted as StatusRequests. Now, only values of 1 are interpreted as StatusRequests.
  • A crash might occur if working queues are saved while they are computed (APAR PO10059).
  • When records are marked as fraud on Investigation > Queries > Queries, negative fraud values cannot be selected in Fraud value (APAR PO10083).
  • After startup, encrypted indexes are repaired even if the index is not damaged (APAR PO10103).
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case search and Case selection, a search is triggered with every keystroke that is entered in Search term. It causes numerous unnecessary server requests. Now, a search starts only when the newly added execute icon is clicked or the Enter key is pressed. Auto refresh was added to the case search page. Whether auto refresh works depends on the Administration > System > Configuration > System > Page auto refresh > Investigation (seconds) setting. Auto refresh on case search and case selection is done only when the execute icon is clicked. If a filter on one of the pages is changed, auto refresh stops until the execute icon is clicked again (APAR PO10100).
  • During startup, log message 0038 is printed and encrypted masterdata is unreadable. The problem occurs if encryption of the index attribute is enabled but an entry is not yet added to the masterdata index. The problem also occurs if the encryption of the attribute is changed but a record is not yet loaded on the instance.
  • Added information about the Maximum session timeout field to the online help. It was missing. The field is located on Administration > System > Configuration > Interfaces > Application Programming Interfacee.
  • On Model > [revision] > Scoring engine > Model components > [PMML model component] > PMML Model Import, the tooltip for the download icon is not formatted correctly.
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk lists > Defined risk lists, the table contains two Mandator columns. It should contain a Mandator column and a Mandator UID column. The same problems also occur on Monitoring > Monitoring > Merchant Monitoring Rules and Monitoring > Monitoring > Index Based Evaluations.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Statistics, after visible columns are configured, the header of the Name column is empty.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries, for queries with empty results, False alarms per hit is incorrectly formatted (APAR PO09255).
  • Timestamps in the latency report files are stored in the system time zone, but they should be stored in the UTC+0 time zone. When the system time zone setting is not UTC +0, the latency timestamp in system internals is different from the system time of the same record in query output (APAR PO09334).
  • If you change Fastlink Interface (threads) on Administration > System > Configuration > System > Number of Parallel Threads, the system must be restarted. Then, synchronization issues occur between instances.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces, users with read-only access cannot switch between the tabs in the Interfaces section (APAR PO10093).
  • In numerous places in the user interface, when a date is chosen in a calendar, the text is not localized with the user's language (APAR PO10104).
  • On Model > [revision] > Profiling > Calendars, if Calendar Period is changed, for example, from daily to weekly, calendar dates are then incorrectly calculated. After the instance is restarted, calendar values are calculated correctly from that point forward.
  • If the MQGET timeout is set to a high value, a long timeout occurs when interfaces are deactivated. Now, the maximum MQGET timeout is 3000 ms. A new field, Repeat empty MQGET, has been added to Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces > Websphere MQ > Queue Manager > Queue. It defines how many times the timeout is repeated and avoids reconnections to MQ. For example, if MQGET is set to 3000 ms and Repeat empty MQGET is set to 20, the timeout is 600,000 ms (APAR PO10111).
  • When the Ctrl+S shortcut is used in the user interface, changes to condition and conclusion expressions are not saved correctly if the expression field is still in focus. The value from the previous field is saved in the expression rather than the changed expression. The same problem occurs when an empty expression in a list expression is saved (APAR PO09650).
  • A crash might occur during golive. Error message E 0063 is written in the log files. The problem occurs when an index is created and an orphan sequence is included due to an incorrect condition (APAR PO10109).
  • Simulation allocates memory for inherited noninput attributes. The allocation is unnecessary.
  • In simulation query, noninput attributes are empty if the data is not available in MDC (APAR PO10017).
  • A crash might occur if a query count is running and the API is interrupted (APAR PO10112).
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > User > Enable system account, a value that you enter in Allow system users from IP appears to be saved but it is not.
  • Case action inputs are not read into the system after the instance is restarted twice (APAR PO09994).
  • The simulation order for final rules and preprocessing rules is different from the order in real-time computation (APAR PO10114).
  • After the reset index, rebuild index, and re-create index jobs are run, filled indexes cannot be populated (APAR PO10040).
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk list entries > Defined risk list entries, the save icon is disabled after an entry with an invalid operator in the condition is saved. For, the save icon is hidden.
  • If both deferred writing and Reduce DDC access for mergings are enabled, the write cycle can take a long time. The problem occurs when a large volume of mergings happen that are in the MDC range but they are already written to disk. Also, debug log message 4 now displays the correct number of records that were modified by mergings (APAR PO10121).
  • A crash might occur when a setOffline or setOnline request is performed while an IBE (Index Based Evaluation) job is running.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Transaction enrichment > Mergings, an undefined error is issued if a merging with collusions is created and always is selected in Store source.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Revision overview > Revision Control > Compare Revisions, the name of the changed rule is displayed as undefined. Also, the name of the unchanged rule is not displayed correctly. The problem happens when a revision is compared to an older revision (APAR PO10013).
  • After a logical golive on a submandator is run and then end of day jobs are run, key performance indicators and status alarm indicators cause unrecoverable errors and do not compute. The problem occurs if the indicators are defined on a top mandator that uses an attribute from the submandator in a condition (APAR PO10123).
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Attributes, attribute intervals display incorrectly (APAR PO10124).
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > Cluster settings, improved the error message that is displayed when you try to create an instance with an ID that is outside the allowed range of 1 to 7.
  • When a page in the user interface is read only, icons that should be clickable, for example, the help icon, are not clickable. Other icons, for example, section toggle checkboxes, are not clickable as expected but are not disabled (APAR PO09864, PO10137).
  • Python modules cannot be deleted even if they are not referenced (APAR PO10122).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries > [query] > Extended masterdata query, after an index is selected, the masterdata that is associated with the lower mandators does not appear in Search conditions. It also does not appear in the Extended Masterdata Results Settings section even though the user has privileges to view it.
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings > [report generation job], results cannot be downloaded if the API is disabled on a BDI (batch data interface) instance. Also, multiple types of jobs cannot be opened in view mode if the API is disabled (APAR PO08707).
  • A crash might occur when nested XML is loaded on the BDI with multiple threads. Also, backtraces might occur if XML that has no closing tags, for example, an XML header, is used together with a nested XML parser in BDI job files (APAR PO10101, PO10102).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Extended masterdata query, a misleading unrecoverable error occurs if the selected masterdata for the result column was removed or disabled for query conditions during golive.
  • Queries and simulations include transaction records that they should not. The problem is due to how absolute and relative server times are resolved during data selection (APAR PO10161).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Extended masterdata query, the is empty and is not empty search criteria fail for text data types. In both cases, records with both empty and nonempty values are returned. Now, the extended masterdata query honors is empty and is not empty search criteria.
  • When a case is written to FLI, all case alarms are also written. Therefore, FLI buffer usage increases. Now, only the case alarm with the highest score is written to FLI.
  • A crash might occur when a counter is deleted, and at the same time a data export job is updated.
  • A crash might occur when references are deleted or created for the same element at the same time (APAR PO10157).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Extended masterdata query, the table that contains the results cannot be resized.
  • An error occurs during simulation or when a transaction is computed because internal random forest fails due to an empty categorical attribute (APAR PO10129).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Group by queries, the name of the query is not displayed in the title of the results page (APAR PO10149).
  • When a revision with many masterdata definitions is changed and then synchronized on remote instances by using the FastLink Interface, the synchronization takes a long time (Known Issue DT269755).
  • On Investigation > Investigation, use any menu item to open an existing case. The title contains the case ID, which is formatted with an unnecessary space after the hyphen. If you copy the case ID and try to search for it, the search fails due to the space (APAR PO09851).
  • Throughout the user interface, a table with many columns does not fit on the screen. Now, the minimum column width is smaller.
  • A crash might occur if a getCppsToHighlight API request with a nonexistent query UID is sent (APAR PO10155).
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk list entries > Defined risk list entries, the toolbar icon to display defined risk list audit trails is missing (APAR PO10154).
  • On Administration > Mandators > Settings, the value in Name can be changed to one that is already used in another mandator. Then, a crash or failure occurs when the system is restarted.
  • When the Open rules table icon is clicked, the rules that are listed are not correctly filtered. The access points to the icon are Model > [revision] > Data model > Preprocessing rulesets, Model > [revision] > Scoring engine > Model components, and Model > [revision] > Post processing > Final rulesets. When you click the checkmark next to a ruleset, the Open rules table icon displays.
  • Several problems occur with reporting progress in ad hoc queries, index queries, hyperlink queries, and common point queries. If a query finds fewer than 20 matching transaction records, progress displays as 0% for the entire runtime. If a query finds more than 20 matching transaction records, only matching records are included in the progress percentage. If matches occur rarely compared to the overall record range, progress is rarely updated and never reaches 100%.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Group by queries, Fraud ratio is not calculated correctly. It is calculated as (fraud amount) / (genuine amount) instead of (fraud amount) / (total amount). It is often a small number (<0.01), which is difficult to represent accurately. Now, Fraud ratio is calculated as basis points. The new formula is: 10000 * ((fraud amount) / (total amount)). Also, the table header, CSV header, and graph label now display the text Fraud Ratio (BP), where BP is for basis points (APAR PO10054).
  • On Administration > User management > Accounts, when a new user is created, check boxes selections that are made under Global privileges are not saved.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries > Query Data Selection, data selection ranges display as buttons. Also, there is too much white space. The problems occur anywhere that has that data selection layout, for example, Simulation, Group by queries, Reporting queries, and Common point queries.
  • The end-of-day job can run in parallel with setOffline (APAR PO10118).
  • When BDI (batch data interface) is used to import an encrypted file, a PREMATURE_END_OF_LINE error is issued. The problem occurs only if Use AES CTR encryption is enabled in Administration > Jobs > Settings > [job] > Load file settings > Enable encrypted delivery.
  • When a new query is created on Model > [revision] > Modeling > Simulation > Queries, the save icon is disabled. The problem occurs if the Investigation > Query > Change privilege is not enabled on the user's role (APAR PO10039).
  • When a user is created with the copy function, that user is not forced to change their password the first time that they log in.
  • The rebuild index maintenance function ignores mandator conditions, index computation conditions, index insertion conditions, and records that have an invalid timestamp. Also, masterdata is changed from nil to zero after the index is rebuilt (APAR PO09778).
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Simulation > Queries > Index query, the query uses production data rather than simulated data. The same problem occurs for hyperlink queries. The results are wrong if the index that is used by the query was changed in the simulation. Hyperlinks in other simulation query results work correctly.
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Analysis > [analysis] > Analysis Data Selection, if you add a condition attribute that is encrypted, it is not readable the next time you open the analysis (APAR PO09569).
  • During a master key change, an instance that is in passive mode cannot receive messages through AMI (Alert Message Interface).
  • When a fraudMarkingReport request is saved by using a script, an error is printed to logs if the mandator in the request is not the UID of an existing mandator.
  • An error message is printed when messages are computed and then the computation stops. The problem occurs after a counter is copied, and the original counter uses a peer index with target sequence and the new counter uses an index to another nonpeer index. The problem can also occur when events, mergings, patterns, precedents, and profiles are copied in the same way. Also, index queries might return incorrect results after they are copied from a query that uses a peer index with target sequence (APAR PO10136).
  • The StatusRequests API always responds in XML, even when a JSON messageTypeId is sent. Also, StatusRequests do not have a valid date in the HTTP response header (APAR PO10175).
  • A crash might occur when message definitions are added or removed and MCI bypass errors occur at the same time.
  • Throughout the user interface, tables with many columns load slowly. Now, tables load faster. The default limit of displaying only 40 columns was removed. White space and default column width relative to the content was optimized. If you double-click the change column width handle, the column width adjusts to fit the content of the cells. If the Google Chrome browser is used, you can now select a range of table rows by pressing shift and then clicking the first and last rows in the range.
  • On Model > [revision] > Data model > Inputs > Own input attributes > [counter attribute], attributes of type hexadecimal are not listed under Reference attribute. The same problem happens on Model > [revision] > Data model > Outputs > Own output attributes > [counter attribute].
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Model factory > Rule, a crash occurs if the Generated Rules list contains conditions that use the is true or is false Boolean operators.
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings, if an end-of-day job starts while an export job is already running, the export job pauses until the end-of-day job finishes. That process is correct. However, after the end-of-day job finishes, the export job does not continue from the point it stopped. Therefore, duplicate records are present in the export file (Known Issue DT261334).
  • In rare situations, a crash might occur when a table that shows rules or conclusions is opened (Known Issue DT391564).
  • When MCI bypass is deactivated, a long wait time occurs until the instance can process new MCI messages again.
  • When a revision is loaded by using a configuration migration script, a reference error might occur on a remote instance. Then, the revision is not properly loaded. The problem occurs if the revision contains multiple new elements that depend on each other.
  • When a golive is running and you add new elements or users before it finishes, the remote instances might be invalidated when they run the golive. Also, external mappings are added automatically without a message in the golive report. Now, the golive report includes a message for added external mappings (APAR PO10141).
  • When extended authentication is enabled and a new user logs in, the login page is displayed rather than the one-time password (OTP) page (Known Issue DT277055).
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces > Encrypted Communications Interface (ECI)tab, the checkboxes to enable and disable the Validate server certificate and Validate client certificate sections are missing. The same problem occurs on the Application Programming Interface (MCI) tab.
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk lists > Defined risk lists entries, if an entry that has escaped JSON characters is deleted, an error is logged on remote instances (Known Issue DT378209).
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings, when you run a BDI Load file job with Re-create interval index enabled, the indexes on remote instances are not populated after the job finishes (APAR PO10063).
  • A crash might occur due to a thread leak in the Kafka Message Interface.
  • On Model > [revision] > Data factory > Inputs > Model training > Rule Designer, select an item and click Explore all indicators. Data selection conditions and rule generation conditions are not correctly applied. Therefore, data for other items is included in the selected item (Known Issue DT380010).
  • Improved performance for rule reports and rule queries. The improvement is especially evident when a ruleset contains many rules whose conditions are not met (Known Issue DT379143).
  • In simulation queries, different results might display when you click different hyperlinks. The problem occurs even if the hyperlinks refer to the same entity. It occurs only when the start of the entity's index sequence is outside the data selection of the simulation or hyperlink query. Now, the query shows all records that are part of the sequence and contained in the data selection of the hyperlink query. It does not matter which hyperlink is clicked (Known Issue DT380094).
  • Added the new Cluster > System monitoring > Maintenance > Cancel or continue recreate index maintenance function. If an error occurs while a re-create index job is running, you can now exit the job or continue. Use the Cancel or continue recreate index maintenance function only under the advice of IBM Support.
  • After rule generation is started, the error Only challenger revisions can be simulated might be issued. The error continues to display even after you leave the page and also after the process stops or is disabled. The same problem might also occur when the retention settings report is started.
  • When you create a condition in the user interface, for example, in a query, the message There is no corresponding category defined for the selected attribute might display. The problem occurs if the selected attribute has categories and the expression uses single wildcard characters, for example, * or ? (APAR PO09835).
  • MS SQL statements print with incorrect enclosing characters for table and column names (Known Issue DT381678).
  • A crash might occur during the end-of-day job after the SystemTime metaattribute is resized. The problem occurs when logical golives are enabled and rules with performance report are defined (APAR PO10065).
  • On case investigations, for example, Investigation > Investigation > > Case search > [case], only masterdata cards that are linked to one index display content. Masterdata cards that are linked to multiple indexes do not display content (Known Issue DT386110).
  • When golive is run, the oldest URID in the index is set to a wrong value if the index was rebuilt (Known Issue DT389262).
  • SQL statements for reporting attributes attempt to insert masked numeric attributes into the VALUE_NUMERIC column.
  • SQL DELETE statements that are created for cases through the relational data interface (RDI) use invalid syntax.
  • Db2 SQL statements that are output through the relational data interface (RDI) wrap table and column names in single quotation marks. As of Db2 version 11, single quotation marks are no longer supported. Now, table and column names are wrapped in double quotation marks.
  • A crash might occur when XML files that contain the string POST are loaded by using a BDI load file job. The same problem occurs with JSON files that start with the string POST (Known Issue DT378504).
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1y. Known potential security issues exist in 1.1.1x.
  • After a golive finishes, memory usage increases more than expected if Model > [revision] > Data model > Indexes > [index] > Purge outdated entries is enabled (Known Issue DT387182).
  • On case investigations, for example, Investigation > Investigation > Case search > [case], if you filter or sort an index query, the wrong rows are highlighted in the query results (Known Issue DT389546).
  • When you apply a filter in a table and then click a column title to sort the table by that column's values, the sort does not work (Known Issue DT389548).
  • In rare situations, the user interface might crash when tables are displayed (Known Issue DT392078).
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings, the Fastlink Status table displays only after the refresh interval but not when the page is opened.
  • An instance fails to start if invalidated model revisions contain conditions on encrypted attributes that use constants on the right side of the condition. The problem occurs only if the attribute was encrypted after the revision was already invalidated.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries > [query] > Extended masterdata query, index entries display that were purged after they reached their maximum lifetime. The problem occurs because entries in the index cache for extended masterdata queries are not purged.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Extended masterdata query, a crash might occur when you run a query.

Minor defects and changes

The following minor defects were fixed and minor changes were made:

  • When you click or tab out of a date field, timestamps shift forward or backward by a value that is equivalent to the user's time zone offset. The problem occurs only if European or US date formats are used. Now, dates are handled correctly and consistently for all date formats (APAR PO09719).
  • Made numerous corrections and improvements to the online help.
  • In the online help, improved the information about how to use extended masterdata queries.
  • Updated Libcurl to version 8.2.1.
  • A small latency spike occurs during the deferred writing cycle because of the time that is consumed for the deletion of the calendar period file for the rollover (APAR PO10082).
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case search, the search does not respect the Maximum cases shown on selection table setting. It also takes longer than expected.
  • On audit trails and revision comparison outputs, improved how condition group information is organized. Now, each set of and conditions from an or condition group are together. Previously, all conditions for an element were together. The improvement affects audit trails and revision comparison outputs on Model > [revision] > Revision overview > Revision control > Audit trail, Model > [revision] > Revision overview > Revision control > Compare Revisions, Monitoring > Defined risk lists > Defined risk lists > [list] > show complete audit trail, and Monitoring > Defined risk lists > Defined risk lists entries > [list] > show complete audit trail.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Interfaces > FastLink Interface, an error message for Receive timeout (seconds) is incorrectly issued.
  • Improved the tooltip text for the All connections checkbox and Connections from text box. They are located on Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces > Message Command Interface and Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces > Application Programming Interface.
  • Now, on Administration > System > Configuration > Interfaces > Application Programming Interface, the values in Session timeout and Maximum session timeout must be greater than 60 seconds. Also, a warning is issued if they are set to a value between 60 and 300 seconds.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Simulation, icons in the Status column of the instance assignment table are cut off.
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case selection, the online help text is incorrectly formatted and out-of-date.
  • On Model > [revision] > Scoring engine > All Rules, the column headers are all UID. Now, they are Ruleset UID, Revision UID, and so on.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Simulation > Queries > [counter attribute], the header contains the placeholder text, Simulation Queries {0}. The text was removed.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Rule Scoring > Rule Scoring Results, the plus icon in the toolbar is disabled.
  • Added information about FCD response formats to the online help. It was missing.
  • Added Log latencies also for FLI checkbox on Administration > System > Configuration > Misc > Log latency violation details. It controls whether latencies are logged for messages that are computed from FLI.
  • When a role is assigned to a user on Administration > User management > Accounts > [user account] > Mandator Privileges, log message 370 is not written. It should be.
  • HTML formatting tags are sometimes included in golive messages.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings, added a Heartbeat Debugging Status column to the list of instances.
  • On Model > [revision] > Data model > Mappings, for mapping messages of type Fcd, the tooltip for Start length pairs contains typographical errors.
  • On Model > [revision] > Profiling > Formulas, a vague error message (_FORMULA_DIVISION_BY_CONSTANT_ZERO_) displays if an expression is defined that divides by zero. Now, the error message is Division by constant of zero is not allowed.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > System > Encryption, online help is missing.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Maintenance > cleanout revisions, the text description in the tooltip does not explain the actual behavior. The same problem exists in the online help.
  • On Administration > Jobs > Settings > export data, there is no log message if the job is canceled.
  • For versions 6.3.x, 6.4.x, and 6.5.x, on Investigation > Queries > CPP selection, the New CPP button is enabled for users who have the read-only CPP selection privilege. For versions 6.6.x, the same problem happens with the New CPP and Delete CPP buttons.
  • When an instance starts, release information and the instance ID are not written to any configuration file. Now, the information is written to the iris.iris file. The information is useful when debugging problems.
  • On Model > [revision] > Scoring engine > Model components, the online help contains grammatical mistakes.
  • On Model > [revision] > Scoring engine > Model components > [PMML model component] > [PMML model component] > PMML Model Import, the tooltip does not match behavior. The same problem occurs in the online help.
  • On Model > [revision] > Postprocessing > Final ruleset, the text for the tooltip for the Add new icon is incorrectly formatted.
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case creation, information about the CPP field is missing from the online help. CPP stands for common point of purchase.
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Rule optimization, variables in the tooltips for several fields display as {0}, {1}, and {2} rather than correct values.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > System internals > General information, the timestamp for deferred writing has no time zone information.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Misc > Event log messages, Maximum records shown (records) and Default view period (seconds) accept negative values. The same problem occurs for other configuration fields.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Event log messages > [Event log message], the online help contains unrelated sections.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Queries > [query] > Extended masterdata query, the Execute button is enabled even when there is no index for an extended masterdata query.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Common point queries, the Save icon works correctly. However, the Save and execute icon can be clicked even if the query is incomplete.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > System > Deferred writing, a misleading error message is displayed if deferred writing is enabled. The problem occurs if there is not enough memory to enable deferred writing (APAR PO09936).
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Golive, the golive report sometimes does not display the correct operational message. The problem occurs, for example, when the DDC for attributes with "System time" meta attribute is too small.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings, table icons are misaligned. The same problem occurs for other tables.
  • The audit log that is generated during golive contains a misspelling.
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Maintenance > set MDC/DDC sizes, an error message incorrectly displays. The problem occurs if the selected revision is not a challenger.
  • On Model > [revision] > Transaction enrichment > Masterdata, the online help for Forward to external system is missing.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Rule scoring, the Commit changes to all rules confirmation message contains incorrectly formatted text.
  • If the setOffline request is performed twice, the second run might take many hours to finish (APAR PO10117).
  • On Cluster > System monitoring > Settings > [instance] > Interfaces > Application Program Interface, online help is missing for Incoming connection limit. The online help is also missing for the same setting on the Message Command Interface tab.
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Test Sandbox, the online help is out of date. It describes elements in the old user interface.
  • On Investigation > Investigation > Case selection > [case], the Masterdata tab does not show if only one multivalue masterdata is enabled for the card.
  • When an item in the user interface is deleted, the confirmation message refers to the Confirm button. However, there is no Confirm button. The problem occurs on numerous pages.
  • On Administration > User management > Accounts > [user] > Global Privileges, if System configuration is set to View, the user can edit the system configuration pages. The user should be able to only view the pages.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Common point queries, hexadecimal query parameters display incorrectly on the results page. For example, a value like 1111123412341234 might display as ???4?4?4. Also, sometimes the results page is not displayed.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Authentication Settings, the Automatically Re-login checkbox has no functionality. It appears only if LDAP or Local then LDAP is selected in Authentication method. The checkbox has been removed.
  • On Monitoring > Defined risk lists > Defined risk lists entries, when you click Import entries from a file, the Add condition icon under Filter Criteria > Add condition group is sometimes missing (APAR PO10172).
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Attributes, text for the progress circle is missing.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Scoring engine > Model components > [PMML model component] > Import PMML model > Data Field Mapping, error text for the option no encoded category selected is missing.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > System > Page auto refresh, Session countdown (seconds) does not allow a zero value. Also, if Notice (seconds) is set to zero, the user interface stops responding (APAR PO10147).
  • On Investigation > Queries > Reporting queries, improved the online text for reporting query conditions and performance indicators.
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1w. Updated Libcurl to 8.4.0 on the server.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Analyses > Rule analysis, the online help does not describe the Fraud amount hit only by this rule and Fraud transactions hit only by this rule columns.
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling, tabs for reminders display on some simulation analysis result pages, for example, rule overlap. Now, the tabs were removed.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration, click Download IBM Safer Payments configuration but then do not select an instance. An error is displayed rather than a statement that the instance is missing. Now, the current instance is used as the default if no instance is selected.
  • On Investigation > Queries > Extended masterdata query, the text for not available in the query result table is missing. The problem occurs for masterdata on hexadecimal attributes that are enabled for multiple values.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > User, the online help for Use common password blocklist" is missing.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Simulation, the logs do not mention forwarded HTTP requests. Responses for forwarded HTTP requests are also not logged.
  • On Administration > Case management > Case actions > [case action setting], online help is missing for Available for manual fraud marking.
  • On Investigation > Queries > CPP selection, the online help does not adequately describe the feature.
  • On Model > [revision] > Transaction enrichment > Mergings, the Mandator UID column header is missing. On Model > [revision] > Data model > Mappings, the Attribute UID column header displays incorrectly.
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Rule analysis, tooltip text for Saved amount per false alarm is missing.
  • On Model > [revision] > [conditions], if the condition order is changed and one of the expressions has an error, the error is copied to other conditions. The problem occurs in all model components that have conditions, for example, patterns.
  • When a page is saved and then reloaded, a problem occurs if it has conditions that are based on intercept code, case queue, or notification meta attributes. The page might show that expressions are in error even though they are valid.
  • On Administration > Mandators settings > Relational Database Interface, the REVISION_NUMBER field is missing from the RULESFIRED table in the online help.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Misc > Miscellaneous, the logs omit that end-of-day jobs are disabled. On Cluster > System monitoring > System internals, the last execution time for end-of-day jobs is omitted.
  • On Administration > System > Configuration, the Download IBM Safer Payments configuration icon is displayed to users who lack the privilege to use it.
  • The online help for maintenance functions is missing information. It does not clearly state that when a maintenance function encounters an error, the instance is put in an error state.
  • On Model > [revision] > Modeling > Rule analysis, if Show ruleset summary rows is enabled, the ruleset summary row is not translated. Also, the ruleset summary row is not displayed if the ruleset contains only one rule.
  • On Report > Report > Missed cases, a value that is selected in Time unit (before) changes to hours after IBM Safer Payments is restarted. For example, if Time unit (before) is set to days, it changes to hours.
  • Throughout the user interface, too much white space displays in table cells (APAR PO09366).
  • On Model > [challenger revision] > Modeling > Attribute setting > [attribute], the words undefined text are displayed.
  • On Investigation > Investigation, open a case that was originally created by using manual case creation. Log message 744 is printed in the logs. It is printed every time that the case is opened (APAR PO10177).
  • When records are marked as fraud or genuine on Investigation > Queries > Queries, the Fraud value can be omitted. The result is that an invalid default value is sent to the server (Known Issue DT261601).
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Interfaces > FastLink Interface, an error occurs if a noninteger value is entered in Buffer size (GB).
  • On Administration > System > Configuration > Investigation & queries > Compliance monitoring, decimal values cannot be entered in Reload wait factor (times). The field accepts only integer values. The same problem occurs with Remote golive wait factor (times), which is located on Administration > System > Configuration > Modeling > Decision Models.
  • Now, HTTP notifications can be sent as HTTP/1.1 in their HTTP header. The HTTP/1.1 header contains an additional PORT in the Host entry, and an additional Connection: close entry. To send notifications with HTTP/1.1 header, select the new setting Use HTTP 1.1 header. It is located on Cluster > Interfaces > Outgoing channel configuration > [configuration] > Type settings. HTTP/1.0 does not send a PORT in the Host header.
  • ITEM_NOT_FOUND error messages do not provide sufficient information for debugging. For example, the item that is missing is not provided. Now, many ITEM_NOT_FOUND error messages were improved.
  • If the Google Chrome browser is used and you view tables, the table height is too large by half a row. The problem occurs if you click Fit to screen and then later reduce the value in Settings > Number of rows.
  • In tables where a more icon might display, the icon is hidden if the cell is too narrow for the content. The more icon might appear in the Comment column on Investigation > Investigation > Case search > [case] > Audit trail. It might also appear in the Model > [revision] > Modeling > Model factory > Rule > Model training > Generated Rules table if Generated conditions as popup is enabled (Known Issue DT389549).
  • When the getMasterdataDeepInformation API endpoint is used manually, requests for a missing index fail with generic log messages 99 and 459. Now, the error message clearly states that the index is not found.