Preparing the Java Runtime Environment
Install the Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE).
To run the installer, JRE must be installed on your system. If JRE is already installed, you can skip this step.
Important: The Linux®
IBM® JRE is intended for use only with InstallAnywhere
installers. Do not use it for any other purposes.
Root privileges are not needed to use Linux IBM JRE.
- Locate the ibm_jre_8.0.2.10_linux_x64.vm file that is part of the download installation zip file. Use this file to install LINUX IBM JRE 1.8 SR2 FP10 (64-bit).
- Log in on the console as root. Go to the directory where the installation zip file is located and run the following commands:
unzip ibm_jre_8.0.2.10_linux_x64.vm
tar xf vm.tar.Z
chmod +x jre/bin/java
chmod +x SaferPayments.bin
export PATH=`pwd`/jre/bin:$PATH
Note: You must set the export command with the same user as the installation